#    PLOD-- Personal LOgging Device, v1.9
#    Copyright (C), 1993-1999, Hal Pomeranz (hal@deer-run.com)
#    All rights reserved.  No warranty expressed or implied.
#    PLOD is freely distributable under the same terms as Perl.
#    Inspired by Bill Mendyka (mendyka@dg-rtp.dg.com)
#    Suggestions/Bugfixes:
#	Bobby Billingsley (bobby@dc.dk)
#	David W Crabb (crabb@phoenix.Princeton.EDU)
#	Michel Dignard (dignard@ERE.UMontreal.CA)
#	John Ellis (ellis@rtsg.mot.com)
#	Tim Evans (Tim.Evans@Citicorp.com)
#	Bob Gibson (rjg@sco.COM)
#	Mike Lachowski (mlachow@erenj.com)
#	Eric Prestemon (ecprest@pocorvares.er.usgs.GOV)
#	Erik E. Rantapaa (rantapaa@math.umn.edu)
#	Scot Schneebeli (sls@tct.com)
#	James Tizard (james@ringo.ssn.flinders.edu.au)
#	G. Paul Ziemba (paul@alantec.com)
######################### Begin Variable Declarations #########################
# All variables have default values which will be superceded by environment
# variables of the same name.  The user's .plodrc is read after all other
# variable assignments, so any assignments there take precedence.
# Note that $LOGFILE and $DEADLOG are used as absolute pathnames.  After
# the .plodrc has been evaluated, $LOGDIR or $HOME will be prepended to
# $LOGFILE and $DEADLOG respectively if either of these variables does not
# begin with a '/'.
# Set $CRYPTCMD to null if you don't want encryption to be performed.
# KEYVAL	key value used by CRYPTCMD
# PROMPT	true if user wants to be prompted for KEYVAL
# CRYPTCMD	encryption command, set this to null for no encryption
# TMPFILE	file name to use for temporary holding
# EDITOR	editor called by ~e
# VISUAL	editor called by ~v
# PAGER         used by ~p and ~h when output longer than one page (see LINES)
# LINES		number of lines on the screen
# LOGDIR	directory containing log files
# LOGFILE	absolute path of log file
# BACKUP	absolute path for backup of current LOGFILE
# HOME		user's home directory
# PLODRC	default user startup file
# DEADLOG	place to drop dead.log file on abort or ~q, also used by ~d
# STAMP		time/date stamp printed at the top of each entry
# PREFIX	string prepended to each line of log entry
# SUFFIX	string appended to each line of log entry
# SEPARATOR	string which separates log entries (should be static)

# Some variable values use date/time information
($ss, $mm, $hh, $DD, $MM, $YY) = localtime($^T); $MM++; 

$KEYVAL = sprintf("pl%d%dod", $YY, $MM);
$PROMPT = 0;
$CRYPTCMD = "/usr/bin/crypt";
$TMPFILE = "/tmp/plodtmp$$";
$HOME = (getpwuid($<))[7];
$EDITOR = "/usr/local/bin/emacs";
$VISUAL = "/usr/local/bin/emacs";
$PAGER =  "/usr/local/bin/less";
$LINES = 24;
$LOGDIR = "$HOME/.logdir";
$LOGFILE = sprintf("%04d%02d", $YY+1900, $MM);
$BACKUP = ".plod$$.bak";
$PLODRC = "$HOME/.plodrc";
$DEADLOG = "dead.log";
$STAMP = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d, %02d:%02d --", $MM, $DD, $YY+1900, $hh, $mm);
$PREFIX = '';
$SUFFIX = '';
$SEPARATOR = '-----';

########################## End Variable Declarations ##########################
######################### Begin Function Declarations #########################

# Printvar (~=): Output the value of one or more variables.
sub printvar {
   local($vars) = @_;
   $, = ','; print eval "($vars)"; $, = '';
   print "\n";
   print "(continue composing note)\n";
$printvar = "\$var[, ...]\tOutput value of variables";
$funcs{'='} = *printvar;

# Bang (~!): Execute a command in the shell and then return to plod.
sub bang {
   local($cmdline) = @_;
   print "(continue composing note)\n";
$bang = "cmdline\tExecute system command and return";
$funcs{'!'} = *bang;

# Redirect (~>): Pipe the output of a command into the current buffer.
sub redirect {
   local($cmdline) = @_;
   if (!open(CMD, "$cmdline |")) {
      warn "*** Unable to execute: $cmdline\n";
$redirect = "cmdline\tAdd output of given command to buffer";
$funcs{'>'} = *redirect;

# Pipetocmd (~|): Pipe the contents of the current buffer through a UNIX
# command line and replace the buffer with the result.
sub pipetocmd {
   local($cmdline) = @_;
   if (!open(PIPELN, "| $cmdline >$TMPFILE 2>&1")) {	# output to tmp file
      warn "*** Unable to execute: $cmdline\n";
   $header = shift @lines if ($STAMP);			# don't include stamp
   print PIPELN @lines;
   if (!open(INP, "<$TMPFILE")) {
      warn "*** Unable to get command output\n";
      unshift(@lines, $header);
      unlink $TMPFILE;
   undef @lines;					# replace buffer with
   @lines = <INP>;					# contents of tmp file
   unlink $TMPFILE;
   unshift(@lines, $header) if ($STAMP);
   print "(continue composing note)\n";   
$pipetocmd = "cmdline\tPipe contents of buffer through cmdline";
$funcs{'|'} = *pipetocmd;

# Perlit (~X): Execute Perl code.
sub perlit {
   local($code) = @_;
   eval "$code";
   warn $@ if $@;
   print "(continue composing note)\n";   
$perlit = "code\t\tExecute a line of Perl code";
$funcs{'X'} = *perlit;

# Longperl (~M): Edit then eval a multi-line Perl fragment
sub longperl {
   local($bogus) = @_;
   return(&mistake) if ($bogus);
   if (@code) {
      if (!open(TMP, "> $TMPFILE")) {
         warn "*** Unable to create temporary file\n";
      print TMP @code;
   ($safename = $TMPFILE) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   system("$EDITOR $safename");
   if (!open(TMP, "< $TMPFILE")) {
      warn "*** Unable to read buffer\n";
   undef @code;
   @code = <TMP>;
   system("/bin/rm -f $safename*");
   eval "@code";
   warn $@ if $@;
   print "(continue composing note)\n";   
$longperl = "\t\tInvoke \$EDITOR on command buffer, then execute as Perl code";
$funcs{'M'} = *longperl;

# Appendfl (~a): Append contents of buffer to a file and return to plod.
# To overwrite a file with the contents of the buffer, see &writefl().
sub appendfl {
   local($args) = @_;
   local(@args, $file);
   if ($args =~ /\S/) {
      @args = &shellwords($args);
      if (@args != 1) {
         warn "*** Only one argument allowed.\n";
      $file = $args[0];
   else {
      warn "*** No file name specified.\n";
   if (!open(OUTP, ">> $file")) {
      warn "*** Could not append to file $file\n";
   print OUTP @lines;
   print "Wrote ", scalar(@lines), " lines to file $file\n";
   print "(continue composing note)\n";
$appendfl = "file\t\tAppend contents of buffer to file";
$funcs{'a'} = *appendfl;

# Getdead (~d): Suck contents of DEADLOG file into buffer.
sub getdead {
   local($bogus) = @_;
   return(&mistake) if ($bogus);
   if (!open(DEAD, "<$DEADLOG")) {
      warn "*** Unable to open $DEADLOG.\n";
   &readit(DEAD, $DEADLOG);
$getdead = "\t\tIncorporate contents of \$DEADLOG into buffer";
$funcs{'d'} = *getdead;

# Editbuf (~e) and Visualbuf (~v): Call appropriate editor on buffer.
sub editbuf {
   local($bogus) = @_;
   return(&mistake) if ($bogus);
sub visualbuf {
   local($bogus) = @_;
   return(&mistake) if ($bogus);
$editbuf = "\t\tEdit buffer with \$EDITOR";
$visualbuf = "\t\tEdit buffer with \$VISUAL";
$funcs{'e'} = *editbuf;
$funcs{'v'} = *visualbuf;

# Editlog (~E) and Visuallog (~V): Call appropriate editor on LOGFILE.
sub editlog {
   local($args) = @_;
   local($file, $key);
   if ($args =~ /\S/) {
      ($file, $key) = &shellwords($args);
      return unless ($file || $key);
   &logedit($EDITOR, $file, $key);
   print "(continue composing note)\n";
sub visuallog {
   local($args) = @_;
   local($file, $key);
   if ($args =~ /\S/) {
      ($file, $key) = &shellwords($args);
      return unless ($file || $key);
   &logedit($VISUAL, $args);
   print "(continue composing note)\n";
$editlog = "[file [key]]\tEdit LOGFILE [or older log] with \$EDITOR";
$visuallog = "[file [key]]\tEdit LOGFILE [or older log] with \$VISUAL";
$funcs{'E'} = *editlog;
$funcs{'l'} = *editlog;
$funcs{'V'} = *visuallog;

# Helpuser (~h or ~?): Output a list of tilde escapes with associated
# help messages (found in the scalar values of the type globs in %funcs).
# Use the defined PAGER if the output would be more than LINES long.
sub helpuser {
   $long = (scalar(keys %funcs) >= $LINES) && open(TMP, ">$TMPFILE");
   for (sort keys %funcs) {
      *info = $funcs{$_};
      if ($long) {
         print TMP "~$_ $info\n";
      else { print "~$_ $info\n"; }
   if ($long) {
      ($safename = $TMPFILE) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
      system("$PAGER $safename");
      unlink $TMPFILE;
$helpuser = "\t\tPrint this message";
$funcs{'h'} = *helpuser;
$funcs{'?'} = *helpuser;

# Printout (~p):  cat back the current buffer for review.  Use PAGER if
# the buffer is longer than LINES.
sub printout {
   local($bogus) = @_;
   return(&mistake) if ($bogus);
   if (@lines < $LINES-1 || !open(TMP, ">$TMPFILE")) {
      print "$SEPARATOR\n";
      print @lines;
   else {
      print TMP @lines;
      ($safename = $TMPFILE) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
      system("$PAGER $safename");
      unlink $TMPFILE;
   print "(continue composing note)\n";
$printout = "\t\tView contents of buffer, one page at a time";
$funcs{'p'} = *printout;

# Pagelog (~P): Page contents of LOGFILE.
sub pagelog {
   local($args) = @_;
   local($file, $key);
   if ($args =~ /\S/) {
      ($file, $key) = &shellwords($args);
      return unless ($file || $key);
   &pageit($file, $key);
   print "(continue composing note)\n";
$pagelog = "[file [key]]\tView contents of LOGFILE [or older log] with PAGER";
$funcs{'P'} = *pagelog;
$funcs{'L'} = *pagelog;

# Quitit (~q): Quit plod and attempt to save buffer in DEADLOG.  Also
# called on SIGINT and SIGQUIT via &trapit().
sub quitit {
   local($bogus) = @_;
   return(&mistake) if ($bogus);
$quitit = "\t\tQuit, attempts to save buffer in \$DEADLOG";
$funcs{'q'} = *quitit;

# Readfile (~r): Append contents of file into buffer.
sub readfile {
   local($args) = @_;
   local(@args, $file);
   if ($args =~ /\S/) {
      @args = &shellwords($args);
      if (@args != 1) {
         warn "*** Only one argument allowed.\n";
      $file = $args[0];
   else {
      warn "*** No file name specified.\n";
   if (!open(INPT, "<$file")) {
      warn "*** Unable to open $file.\n";
   &readit(INPT, $file);
$readfile = "file\t\tRead contents of file into buffer";
$funcs{'r'} = *readfile;

# Writefl (~w): Overwrite file with contents of buffer.  To append to a
# given file, see &appendfl().
sub writefl {
   local($args) = @_;
   local(@args, $file);
   if ($args =~ /\S/) {
      @args = &shellwords($args);
      if (@args != 1) {
         warn "*** Only one argument allowed.\n";
      $file = $args[0];
   else {
      warn "*** No file name specified.\n";
   if (!open(OUTP, "> $file")) {
      warn "*** Could not write to file $file\n";
   print OUTP @lines;
   print "Wrote ", scalar(@lines), " lines to file $file\n";
   print "(continue composing note)\n";
$writefl = "file\t\tOverwrite file with contents of buffer";
$funcs{'w'} = *writefl;

# Exitnow (~x): Exit plod without writing to DEADLOG or LOGFILE.
sub exitnow {
   local($bogus) = @_;
   return(&mistake) if ($bogus);
$exitnow = "\t\tExit without saving buffer";
$funcs{'x'} = *exitnow;

########################## End Function Declarations ##########################
############################# Begin Main Program ##############################

# Check for /etc/plodrc and ~/.plodrc and eval() contents.  Exit with an
# error message if eval() complains for any reason.  Environment supercedes
# /etc/plodrc but is overridden by ~/.plodrc.
if (-e "/etc/plodrc") {
   eval { do "/etc/plodrc"; };
   die "*** Error in /etc/plodrc:\n$@" if $@;

$BACKUP = $ENV{'BACKUP'} if (defined($ENV{'BACKUP'}));
$CRYPTCMD = $ENV{'CRYPTCMD'} if (defined($ENV{'CRYPTCMD'}));
$HOME = $ENV{'HOME'} if ($ENV{'HOME'});
$LINES = $ENV{'LINES'} if ($ENV{'LINES'});
$PAGER = $ENV{'PAGER'} if ($ENV{'PAGER'});
$PREFIX = $ENV{'PREFIX'} if (defined($ENV{'PREFIX'}));
$PROMPT = $ENV{'PROMPT'} if (defined($ENV{'PROMPT'}));
$STAMP = $ENV{'STAMP'} if (defined($ENV{'STAMP'}));
$SUFFIX = $ENV{'SUFFIX'} if (defined($ENV{'SUFFIX'}));

# Set some defaults
$grep = $cat = $edit = $page = '';
$pattern = $file = $key = '';

# Now process arguments as long as the first thing in @ARGV looks like
# it might be one.  After that, we assume the user is making a one line
# log entry.
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/) {
   $curr = shift @ARGV;
   if ($curr eq '-f') {
      &usage unless (@ARGV);
      $PLODRC = shift @ARGV;
   elsif ($curr eq '-s') {
      $PROMPT = 1;
   elsif ($curr eq '-g' || $curr eq '-G') {
      &usage() if ($grep || $cat || $edit || $page);
      &usage unless (@ARGV);
      $grep = $curr;
      $pattern = shift @ARGV;
      $file = shift @ARGV unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/);
      $key = shift @ARGV unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/);
   elsif ($curr eq '-E' || $curr eq '-V') {
      &usage() if ($grep || $cat || $edit || $page);
      $edit = $curr;
      $file = shift @ARGV unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/);
      $key = shift @ARGV unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/);
   elsif ($curr eq '-P') {
      &usage() if ($grep || $cat || $edit || $page);
      $page = $curr;
      $file = shift @ARGV unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/);
      $key = shift @ARGV unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/);
   elsif ($curr eq '-C') {
      &usage() if ($grep || $cat || $edit || $page);
      $cat = $curr;
      $file = shift @ARGV unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/);
      $key = shift @ARGV unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/);
   else { &usage(); }
&usage() if (@ARGV && ($grep || $cat || $edit || $page));

# Now do the .plodrc.  We have to do this here so the user can
# change the location/name of the file with the -f option.
$PLODRC = "$HOME/$PLODRC" unless ($PLODRC =~ /^\.?\.?\//);
if (-e $PLODRC) {
   die "*** $PLODRC is not a regular file.\n" unless (-f $PLODRC);
   eval { do "$PLODRC"; };
   die "*** Error in $PLODRC:\n$@" if $@;

# Prepend parent directories unless we have explicit pathnames
$LOGFILE = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE" unless ($LOGFILE =~ /^\.?\.?\//);
$DEADLOG = "$HOME/$DEADLOG" unless ($DEADLOG =~ /^\.?\.?\//);
$BACKUP = "$HOME/$BACKUP" if ($BACKUP && !($BACKUP =~ /^\.?\.?\//));

# Do a $BACKUP file if $LOGFILE is non-empty.  Failure to create a
# backup is not a fatal error.
if ($BACKUP && -s $LOGFILE) {
   ($safelog = $LOGFILE) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   ($safeback = $BACKUP) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   if (system("cp $safelog $safeback") >> 8) {
      warn "*** Couldn't create backup file $BACKUP.\n";
      $BACKUP = '';
   else { chmod(0600, $BACKUP); }

# You can lose your log file if CRYPTCMD is set, but the executable
# doesn't actually exist.
&PLODBadExit("There's something wrong with $CRYPTCMD-- I can't deal!\n")
  if ($CRYPTCMD && !(-e $CRYPTCMD && -x _ && -f _ && -s _));

# Extract dirname from $LOGFILE and make sure it exists
($dirname = $LOGFILE) =~ s,/[^/]*$,,;
if (!(-d $dirname)) {
   warn "Attempting to create logging directory, $dirname\n";
   &PLODBadExit("Attempt failed!\n") unless (mkdir($dirname, 0700));

# Jam time/date stamp into buffer...
push(@lines, "$STAMP\n") if ($STAMP);

# Log entry can appear on the command line, otherwise loop until end of
# STDIN or '.' recognized on a line by itself.
if ($page) { 
   &pageit($file, $key);
elsif ($edit) {
   &logedit(($edit eq '-E') ? $EDITOR : $VISUAL, $file, $key);
elsif ($grep) {
   $insensitive = ($grep eq "-g");
   &loggrep($insensitive, $pattern, $file, $key);
elsif ($cat) {
   $file = $file || $LOGFILE;
   $file = "$LOGDIR/$file" unless ($file =~ /^\.?\.?\//);
   &PLODBadExit("$file does not exist.\n") unless (-f $file);

   $key = $key || $KEYVAL;
   if ($CRYPTCMD) {
      unless (&decrypt($key, $file, $TMPFILE)) {
	 &PLODBadExit("*** Can't decrypt $file.\n");
      $file = $TMPFILE;
   open(INP, "< $file") || &PLODBadExit("Can't read $file\n");
   while (<INP>) { print; }
   unlink($TMPFILE) if ($CRYPTCMD);

elsif (@ARGV) { push(@lines, "@ARGV\n"); }
else {
   if (-t STDIN) {
      print "$STAMP\n" if ($STAMP);
      $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'trapit';
      $SIG{'INT'} = 'trapit';
   while (<STDIN>) {
      if (/^~/) {					# escape sequence:
         ($esc, $args) = /^~(\S)\s*(.*)$/;		# 1) parse line
         *glob = $funcs{$esc};				# 2) unpack type glob
         if (!defined(&glob)) {				# 3) check defined()
	    warn "Unrecognized escape sequence: ~$esc\n";
         &glob($args);					# 4) call func w/ args
      elsif (/^\.\s*$/) {				# lone dot means end 
         print "(eot)\n";				# of log entry
      else {						# else append line to
         push(@lines, $_);				# log buffer

# Drop out if buffer is empty.  Append a final newline if one isn't there.
if (!@lines || (@lines == 1 && $STAMP)) {
   warn "*** Empty log entry not added to log file\n";
$lines[$#lines] = "$lines[$#lines]\n" unless ($lines[$#lines] =~ /\n$/);

# Completed log entry now in @lines.  If using encryption, call encryption
# command to decrypt previous log entries (if present).  If not encrypting,
# simply open log file to append.
if ($CRYPTCMD) {					# encrypting
   if (-e $LOGFILE) {
      unless (&decrypt($KEYVAL, $LOGFILE, $TMPFILE)) {
         &PLODBadExit("*** Unable to decrypt logfile.\n");
   if (!open(LOGFILE, ">> $TMPFILE")) {
      unlink $TMPFILE;
      &PLODBadExit("*** Unable to append new log entry\n");
else { 							# not encyrpting
   if (!open(LOGFILE, ">> $LOGFILE")) {
      &PLODBadExit("*** Unable to append new log entry\n");

# Dump contents of buffer into plain text file.
if ($PREFIX || $SUFFIX) {
   print LOGFILE $lines[0];
   chop(@trunc = @lines[1 .. $#lines]);
   for (@trunc) { print LOGFILE $PREFIX, $_, $SUFFIX, "\n"; }
else { print LOGFILE @lines; }

# If encrypting, replace old log file with new version.  Unlink plain
# text temporary file when done.
if ($CRYPTCMD) {
   unless (&encrypt($KEYVAL, $TMPFILE, "$LOGFILE.$$")) {
      unlink("$LOGFILE.$$", $TMPFILE);
      &PLODBadExit("*** Unable to encrypt log.  Previous version restored.\n");
   unless (rename("$LOGFILE.$$", $LOGFILE)) {
      unlink("$LOGFILE.$$", $TMPFILE);
      &PLODBadExit("*** rename($LOGFILE.$$, $LOGFILE) failed.\n");
   chmod 0600, $LOGFILE;
   unlink $TMPFILE;


############################## End Main Program ###############################
########################### Miscellaneous Functions ###########################

# Append contents of file $fname (associated with file handle $fh) to buffer.
# Assume $fh is a pipe if $fname is null.  This function called by many tilde
# escapes.
sub readit {
   local($fh, $fname) = @_;
   push(@lines, <$fh>);
   print STDOUT ($fname) ? "$fname: " : "Added ";
   print STDOUT "$. lines";
   print STDOUT ($fname) ? "\n" : " to buffer.\n";
   print STDOUT "(continue composing note)\n";

# Call the editor $_[0] on the contents of the buffer.  Used by &editbuf()
# and &visualbuf().
sub calledit {
   local($edit) = @_;
   if (!open(EDIT, ">$TMPFILE")) {
      warn "*** Unable to create file for editing\n";
   print EDIT @lines;
   chmod 0600, $TMPFILE;
   ($safename = $TMPFILE) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   system("$edit $safename");
   if (!open(EDIT, "<$TMPFILE")) {
      warn "*** Unable to read changes, returning to previous state.\n";
      system("/bin/rm -f $safename*");
   undef @lines;
   @lines = <EDIT>;
   system("/bin/rm -f $safename*");
   print "(continue composing note)\n";

# Call the appropriate editor on a log file.  Used by &editlog and &visuallog.
sub logedit {
   local($edit, $file, $key) = @_;
   $key = $key || $KEYVAL;
   $file = $file || $LOGFILE;
   $file = "$LOGDIR/$file" unless ($file =~ /^\.?\.?\//);
   if ($CRYPTCMD) {
      if (!(-e $file)) {
	 warn "*** $file does not exist\n";
      unless (&decrypt($key, $file, $TMPFILE)) {
         warn "*** Unable to decrypt $file.\n";
      chmod 0600, $TMPFILE;
      ($safename = $TMPFILE) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
      system("$edit $safename");
      if (!(-e $TMPFILE) || -z _) {
         warn "*** Modified file is empty-- restoring old version\n";
	 unlink $TMPFILE;
      unless (&encrypt($key, $TMPFILE, "$file.$$")) {
         warn "*** Unable to re-encrypt log file.  Changes lost.\n";
         unlink("$file.$$", $TMPFILE);
      unless (rename("$file.$$", $file)) {
         warn "*** rename($file.$$, $file) failed.  Changes lost.\n";
         unlink("$file.$$", $TMPFILE);
      chmod 0600, $file;
      unlink $TMPFILE;
   else {
      ($safename = $file) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
      system("$edit $safename");

# Print all entries from a log file which contain a line matching a
# given pattern.
sub loggrep {
   local($insensitive, $pattern, $file, $key) = @_;
   local(@entry, $print);
   $pattern =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/ if ($insensitive);
   $key = $key || $KEYVAL;
   $file = $file || $LOGFILE;
   $file = "$LOGDIR/$file" unless ($file =~ /^\.?\.?\//);
   if ($CRYPTCMD) {
      unless (&decrypt($key, $file, $TMPFILE)) {
         warn "*** Unable to decrypt $file.\n";
      $file = $TMPFILE;
   unless (open(INP, "< $file")) {
      warn "*** Can't open $file for reading.\n";
   $print = 0; undef @entry;
   while (<INP>) {
      if (/^$SEPARATOR$/o) {
         print @entry if ($print);
         $print = 0; undef @entry;
      push(@entry, $_);
      tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/ if ($insensitive);
      $print = ($print || /$pattern/o);
   print @entry if ($print);
   unlink($TMPFILE) if ($CRYPTCMD);

# Page a log file.
sub pageit {
   local($file, $key) = @_;
   $key = $key || $KEYVAL;
   $file = $file || $LOGFILE;
   $file = "$LOGDIR/$file" unless ($file =~ /^\.?\.?\//);
   if ($CRYPTCMD) {
      unless (&decrypt($key, $file, $TMPFILE)) {
         warn "*** Unable to decrypt $file.\n";
      $file = $TMPFILE;
   ($safename = $file) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   system("$PAGER $safename");
   unlink($TMPFILE) if ($CRYPTCMD);

# Taken directly from shellwords.pl as provided with the Perl4.036
# distribution.  Minor tweaks to exit gracefully.
sub shellwords {
    package shellwords;
    local($_) = join('', @_) if @_;

    while ($_ ne '') {
	$field = '';
	for (;;) {
	    if (s/^"(([^"\\]|\\[\\"])*)"//) {
		($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#g;
	    elsif (/^"/) {
		warn "*** Unmatched double quote in arguments.\n";
	        return ();
	    elsif (s/^'(([^'\\]|\\[\\'])*)'//) {
		($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#g;
	    elsif (/^'/) {
		warn "*** Unmatched single quote in arguments.\n";
                return ();
	    elsif (s/^\\(.)//) {
		$snippet = $1;
	    elsif (s/^([^\s\\'"]+)//) {
		$snippet = $1;
	    else {
	    $field .= $snippet;
	push(@words, $field);

# Generic warning message called by all escapes that do not expect arguments
# when @_ is not empty.
sub mistake {
   warn "*** Arguments are not expected for this escape.\n";

# Wrapper for &PLODBadExit()-- called on SIGINT and SIGQUIT.  Wrapper
# required because signal handlers get the signal as an argument, and
# this does not correspond with arguments to &PLODBadExit().
sub trapit {

# A mundane usage message, and a dumb comment.
sub usage {
   ($prog = $0) =~ s,.*/,,;
   warn "Usage: $prog [one line log entry]\tor\n";
   warn "       $prog -C|-E|-V|-P [file [key]]\tor\n";
   die  "       $prog -g|-G pattern [file [key]]\n";

# Routine called when PLOD exits abnormally.  Attempts recover log
# from backup if it looks like its been blown away, and attempts to
# dump current log buffer into $DEADLOG.  Will call user-defined error
# routine if present.
sub PLODBadExit {
   local($msg) = @_;
   local($stat, $safeback, $safelog);

   if ($BACKUP && -s $BACKUP && !(-s $LOGFILE)) {
      ($safeback = $BACKUP) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
      ($safelog = $LOGFILE) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
      $stat = (system("mv -f $safeback $safelog")>>8) ? "failed!":"succeeded!";
      warn "*** $LOGFILE truncated or missing.  Restore $stat\n";
   open(DEAD, ">> $DEADLOG") || die "Can't open $DEADLOG\n";
   print DEAD @lines;
   &on_error() if (defined(&on_error));
   die $msg if ($msg);

# Routine called when PLOD exits normally.  Missing logfile triggers
# abnormal exit.  Will call user-defined routine if present.
sub PLODNormExit {

   &PLODBadExit("*** Normal exit aborted!\n")
                                 if ($BACKUP && -s $BACKUP && !(-s $LOGFILE));
   unlink($BACKUP) if ($BACKUP);
   &on_exit() if (defined(&on_exit));

# encrypt() and decrypt() are provided to allow users to customize their
# encryption strategy.  UNIX crypt is bidirectional so the functions are
# identical, but other encryption mechanisms might not have this property.
sub encrypt {
   local($key, $inputfl, $outputfl) = @_;
   local($safekey, $safeinp, $safeout);


   if ($PROMPT) {		# Prompt for $KEYVAL if $PROMPT has been set
      print "File is $file.\n";
      print "Please enter encryption key: ";
      system 'stty', '-echo';
      chop($key = <STDIN>);
      system 'stty', 'echo';
      print "\n";

   ($safekey = $key) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   ($safeinp = $inputfl) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   ($safeout = $outputfl) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   !(system("$CRYPTCMD $safekey < $safeinp >$safeout") >> 8);

sub decrypt {
   local($key, $inputfl, $outputfl) = @_;
   local($safekey, $safeinp, $safeout);


   if ($PROMPT) {		# Prompt for $KEYVAL if $PROMPT has been set
      print "File is $file.\n";
      print "Please enter encryption key: ";
      system 'stty', '-echo';
      chop($key = <STDIN>);
      system 'stty', 'echo';
      print "\n";

   ($safekey = $key) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   ($safeinp = $inputfl) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   ($safeout = $outputfl) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
   !(system("$CRYPTCMD $safekey < $safeinp >$safeout") >> 8);

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