### INNCONFcheck v1.1
### Revision history:
# v1.0 B. Galliart (designed to work with 2.3 inn.conf man page)
# v1.1 B. Galliart (optional support for using inn.conf POD src instead)
### Description:
# This script is written to inner-mix the inn.conf settings with the
# documentation from the inn.conf man page. The concept was shamelessly
# ripped off of a CGI application provided at Mib Software's Usenet Rapid
# Knowledge Transfer (http://www.mibsoftware.com/userkt/inn2.0/).
# The idea is that a news administrator usually must go through the
# task of reading the inn.conf man page in parallel with the inn.conf
# inn.conf to confirm that the settings are set as desired. Manually
# matching up the two files can become troublesome. This script should
# make the task easier and hopefully reduce the chance a misconfiguration
# is missed.
### Known bugs:
# - Is very dependent on the format of the man page. It is know NOT to
# work with the inn.conf man pages written before INN 2.3 and may
# require minor rewriting to address future revisions of inn.conf
# Note: this known bug is addressed via the "EDITPOD" option below
# but is not enabled by default (details explained below).
# - SECURITY! While taken from the concept of a CGI script, it is not
# intended to be a CGI script itself. It is *assumed* that the
# inn.conf file is provided by a "trusted" source.
### License: this script is provided under the same terms as the majority
# of INN 2.3.0 as stated in the file "inn-2.3.0/LICENSE"
### Warrenty/Disclaimer: There is no warrenty provided. For details, please
# refer to the file "inn-2.3.0/LICENSE" from the INN 2.3 package
### The User Modifiable Parameters/Settings:
# INNCONF should be set to the actual location of the inn.conf file
# INNCONFMAN should be set to the location of the inn.conf man page
# INNCONFPOD should be set to the location of the inn.conf POD source
# INNCONFPOD=/usr/local/src/inn-2.3.0/doc/pod/inn.conf.pod
# NROFF should be set to an approbate program for formating the man page
# this could be the vendor provided nroff, the FSF's groff (which could be
# used for producing PostScript output) or Earl Hood's man2html from
# http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/ehood/man2html.html
# NROFF=man2html
NROFF="nroff -man"
# Pager should be set to an approbate binary for making the output
# readable in the user's desired method. Possible settings include
# page, more, less, ghostview, lynx, mozilla, lpr, etc. If no pager
# application is desire then by setting it to "cat" will cause the output
# to continue on to stdout.
# By default the script uses the inn.conf man page before being processed
# by nroff to edit in the actual inn.conf settings. The problem with this
# approach is that if the format of the inn.conf man page ever changes
# assumptions about the format that this script makes will probably break.
# Presently, the base/orginal format of the inn.conf man page is in perl
# POD documentation. The formating of this file is less likely to change
# in the future and is a cleaner format for automated editing. However,
# their is some disadvantages to using this file. First disadvantage,
# the POD file is not installed by INN 2.3.0 by default (see INNCONFPOD
# enviromental variable for setting the script to find the file in the
# correct location). Second disadvantage, pod2man does not appear to
# support using stdin so the edited POD must be temporarily stored as a
# file. Finally, the last disadvantage, the script is slower due to the
# added processing time of pod2man. Weighing the advantages and
# disadvantages to both approaches are left to the user. If you wish to
# have innconfcheck edit the POD file then change the variable below to
# a setting of "1", otherwise leave it with the setting of "0"
### The Script: (non-developers should not need to go beyond this point)
# All variable settings in inn.conf should not contain a comment
# character of "#" and should have a ":" in the line. These variable names
# should then be matched up with the man page "items" in the inn.conf file.
# In the INN 2.3 man page, these items appear in the following format:
# .Ip "\fIvariable name\fR" 4
# Hence, if there exists an entry in the inn.conf of "verifycancels: false"
# then the awk script will produce:
# s#^.Ip "\fIvarifycancels\f$" 4#.Ip "\verifycancels: false\f$" 4#
# once piped to sed, this expression will replace the man page item to
# include the setting from the inn.conf file. The nroff and pager
# applications then polish the script off to provide a documented formated
# in a way that is easier to find incorrect setting withen.
if [ $EDITPOD -eq 0 ] ; then
grep -v "#" $INNCONF | grep ":" | \
awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } { print "s#^.Ip \042\\\\fI"$1"\\\\fR\042 4#.Ip \042\\\\fI"$0"\\\\fR\042 4#" }' | \
# The next part is similar to above but provides working from the POD source
# instead of from the resulting nroff/man page. This section is discussed
# in more detail above with the "EDITPOD" setting.
grep -v "#" $INNCONF | grep ":" | \
awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } { print "s#=item I<"$1">#=item I<"$0">#" }' | \
sed -f - $INNCONFPOD > /tmp/innconfcheck-$$
pod2man /tmp/innconfcheck-$$ | $NROFF | $PAGER
rm -f /tmp/innconfcheck-$$
# That's all.
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