#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# $Ringlet: perl/sys/stalepid/stalepid.pl,v 1.2 2003/12/04 14:09:09 roam Exp $
use strict;
use Errno;
use Error qw(:try);
use Getopt::Std;
sub usage()
die("Usage: stalepid [-5bhV] pidfile processname\n".
"\t-5\tuse a SysV-like ps(1) syntax (not implemented yet);\n".
"\t-b\tuse a BSD-like ps(1) syntax (default);\n".
"\t-d\tdisplay debug information;\n".
"\t-h\tdisplay this help text and exit;\n".
"\t-V\tdisplay version information and exit.\n");
sub version()
print("stalepid 1.0pre1\n");
sub readpid($)
my $cfg = $_[0];
my ($fname) = $cfg->{'pidfile'};
my ($line);
if (!defined($fname)) {
die("PID file name not specified");
if (!open(PIDFILE, "< $fname")) {
if ($!{ENOENT}) {
print STDERR
"stalepid: the pid file $fname does not exist\n"
if $cfg->{'debug'};
die("Opening $fname: $!\n");
if (!defined($line = <PIDFILE>)) {
die("Reading from $fname: $!\n");
$line =~ s/[\r\n]*$//;
if ($line !~ /^(\d+)$/) {
die("Invalid process ID format: $line\n");
$cfg->{'pid'} = $1;
sub checkproc($)
my $cfg = $_[0];
my ($pid, $procname) = ($cfg->{'pid'}, $cfg->{'procname'});
my ($childpid, @cmd, @output);
if (!defined($pid)) {
die("Undefined process id in checkproc\n");
if (!defined($procname)) {
die("Undefined process name in checkproc\n");
if ($cfg->{'bsdps'}) {
@cmd = ('/bin/ps', '-axc', '-p', $pid, '-o', 'command');
} else {
die("SysV ps not supported yet!\n");
print STDERR 'stalepid: attempting to execute '.join(' ', @cmd)."\n"
if $cfg->{'debug'};
if (!defined($childpid = open(PS, "-|"))) {
die("Creating a child process failed: $!\n");
} elsif ($childpid == 0) {
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/bin:/bin';
die("Executing '".join(' ', @cmd)." failed: $!\n");
@output = <PS>;
if ($#output == 0) {
print STDERR "No process with pid $pid\n" if $cfg->{'debug'};
$cfg->{'exists'} = undef;
if ($#output != 1) {
die('The ps(1) output should contain 2 lines, not '.
($#output + 1)."\n");
map { s/[\r\n]*$// } @output;
print STDERR "stalepid: got output:\n".join("\n", @output)."---\n"
if $cfg->{'debug'};
print STDERR "stalepid: procname is $procname\n" if $cfg->{'debug'};
$cfg->{'exists'} = $output[1] eq $procname;
print STDERR "stalepid: exists is ".$cfg->{'exists'}.", pid is ".
$cfg->{'pid'}."\n" if $cfg->{'debug'};
sub killproc($)
my $cfg = $_[0];
my ($pid, $fname) = ($cfg->{'pid'}, $cfg->{'pidfile'});
if (!defined($pid)) {
die("Undefined process id at killproc\n");
if (!defined($fname)) {
die("Undefined pidfile name at killproc\n");
if ($cfg->{'exists'}) {
if (kill(0, $pid) == 1) {
print STDERR 'stalepid: the '.$cfg->{'procname'}.
" process is alive and running as $pid\n"
if $cfg->{'debug'};
if (!$!{ENOENT}) {
die("Attempting to signal process $pid: $!\n");
unlink($fname) or die("Removing pid file $fname: $!\n");
my %opts;
my %config = (
'bsdps' => 1,
'debug' => 0,
'exists' => 0,
'pid' => undef,
'pidfile' => undef,
'procname' => undef,
getopts("5bdhV", \%opts) or usage();
if (defined($opts{'V'})) {
usage() if (defined($opts{'h'}));
if (defined($opts{'b'})) {
usage() if (defined($opts{'5'}));
$config{'bsdps'} = 1;
} elsif (defined($opts{'5'})) {
$config{'bsdps'} = 0;
$config{'debug'} = 1 if (defined($opts{'d'}));
usage() if ($#ARGV < 1);
# Anything goes for the pidfile syntax..
if ($ARGV[0] =~ '^(.*)$') {
$config{'pidfile'} = $1;
# ...and for the procname syntax, too.
if ($ARGV[1] =~ '^(.*)$') {
$config{'procname'} = $1;
try {
} catch Error with {
my $e = shift;
chomp $e;
die("stalepid: $e\n");
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1