#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# syslog2ng
# Translator from syslog.conf to syslog-ng.conf
# by Jonathan W. Marks <j-marks@uiuc.edu>
# Rev 2
# Handle the various platforms- determine proper log device
"/bin/uname -s" | getline sysname;
close("/bin/uname -s");
if (sysname == "SunOS") {
} else if (sysname == "AIX") {
} else if (sysname == "Linux") {
} else {
print "!!! Unsupported system: " sysname ".";
exit 1;
# Output the basic options and source statement.
print \
"options { dir_perm(0755); perm(0644); chain_hostnames(no);\n" \
" keep_hostname(yes); };\n";
print \
"source local {\n" \
" " LOGDEVTYPE "(\"/dev/log\");\n" \
" udp(ip( port(514));\n" \
" internal();\n" \
$1 !~ /^[:space:]*#/ && NF == 2 {
# Output a comment with the line being translated.
print "# " $0 "\n";
# Output any new filters to be created, saving filter ID numbers
# needed by destination
requiredFilterNos = make_filters($1);
# Output the destination to be used, saving destination ID number
destNo = make_destination($2)
# Output the log path, connecting the required filters to the
# destination.
make_log(destNo, requiredFilterNos);
function make_filters(filterstr, filterNumbers) {
# Split the components of the filter specifier. For each component,
# generate the appropriate filter, and collect the filter numbers.
split(filterstr, termlist, ";");
for (termNo in termlist) {
newNum = make_filter(termlist[termNo]);
filterNumbers = filterNumbers " " newNum;
return filterNumbers;
function make_filter(spec, negate) {
# Find the severity and facility list.
dot = index(spec, ".");
severity = substr(spec, (dot + 1));
split(substr(spec, 1, (dot - 1)), faclist, ",");
if (severity == "none") { negate = 1 };
if (severity == "*") { severity = "debug" };
# Create an ID string using severity and facility list to hash
# into all_filters. Then we can tell whether weve already built
# a filter like this.
filterID = severity;
for (facno in faclist) {
filterID = filterID " " faclist[facno];
# If this is a new filter, output the syslog-ng directives for it
# and save its ID and number in all_filters.
if (! (filterID in all_filters)) {
all_filters[filterID] = ++filterNum;
printf "filter f_" filterNum " {\n\t";
nPrinted = 0;
# If using all facilities, no need to include them all in
# filter-- its really only a filter based on severity
if (faclist[1] != "*") {
printf("%sfacility(", (negate ? "not " : ""));
for (facno in faclist) {
printf("%s" faclist[facno], \
(nPrinted++ > 0 ? "," : ""));
printf(")%s", (severity != "none" ? " and " : ""));
if (severity != "none") {
printf("level(" severity "%s)",
(severity == "emerg" ? "" : "..emerg"));
return all_filters[filterID];
function make_destination(d, destNo) {
# If weve already built this destination, dont do it again.
# Just return the ID number.
if (d in destinations) {
return destinations[d];
# Remember the destination ID number in case we need it again.
destNo = ++dno;
destinations[d] = destNo;
# Output the syslog-ng directive for the destination.
printf "destination d_" destNo " { \n";
if (d ~ /^\//) {
printf "\tfile(\"" d "\" create_dirs(yes));\n";
else if (d ~ /^@/) {
printf "\tudp(\"" substr(d, 2) "\" port(514));\n";
else {
printf "\tusertty(\"" d "\");\n";
print "};\n";
return destNo;
function make_log(destNo, filterNos) {
# Note the destination number and filter numbers, then output
# a syslog-ng directive connecting them.
n_entries = split(filterNos, filters, " ");
printf "log { source(local); " ;
for (i = 1; i <= n_entries; i++) {
printf "filter(f_" filters[i] "); ";
print "destination(d_" destNo "); };\n";
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