* Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Niels Möller
* Copyright (c) 1999 BalaBit Computing
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id: command.h,v 1.1 1999/07/10 13:23:09 bazsi Exp $
#include "list.h"
#include "io.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "command.h.x"
/* Continuation based command execution. A command can take one object
* as argument, and returns one object. */
(name command_continuation)
(c method int "struct ol_object *result")))
(name command)
(call method int "struct ol_object *arg"
"struct command_continuation *c")))
(name command_simple)
(super command)
;; Like call, but returns the value immediately rather than
;; using a continuation function
(call_simple method "struct ol_object *" "struct ol_object *")))
#define COMMAND_CALL(f, a, c) \
((f)->call((f), (struct ol_object *) (a), (c)))
#define COMMAND_RETURN(r, v) \
((r) ? ((r)->c((r), (struct ol_object *) (v))) : ST_OK | ST_GOON)
#define COMMAND_SIMPLE(f, a) \
((f)->call_simple((f), (struct ol_object *)(a)))
int do_call_simple_command(struct command *s,
struct ol_object *arg,
struct command_continuation *c);
{ { STATIC_HEADER, do_call_simple_command }, f}
struct command *make_parallell_progn(struct object_list *body);
extern struct command_simple progn_command;
(name command_frame)
(super command_continuation)
(up object command_continuation)))
/* Commands that need to collect some arguments before actually doing
* anything. */
/* The collect_info_n classes keeps track about what to do whith the
* next argument. As long as we collect arguments without doing
* anything, the f field in collect_info_n will point to the
* constructor make_collect_state_n. */
(name collect_info_4)
(f method "struct ol_object *"
"struct ol_object *" "struct ol_object *"
"struct ol_object *" "struct ol_object *")
;; No next field
(name collect_info_3)
(f method "struct ol_object *"
"struct ol_object *" "struct ol_object *"
"struct ol_object *")
(next object collect_info_4)))
(name collect_info_2)
(f method "struct ol_object *"
"struct ol_object *" "struct ol_object *")
(next object collect_info_3)))
(name collect_info_1)
(super command_simple)
(f method "struct ol_object *"
"struct ol_object *")
(next object collect_info_2)))
struct ol_object *
do_collect_1(struct command_simple *s, struct ol_object *a);
struct ol_object *
make_collect_state_1(struct collect_info_1 *info,
struct ol_object *a);
struct ol_object *
make_collect_state_2(struct collect_info_2 *info,
struct ol_object *a,
struct ol_object *b);
struct ol_object *
make_collect_state_3(struct collect_info_3 *info,
struct ol_object *a,
struct ol_object *b,
struct ol_object *c);
#define STATIC_COLLECT_1(next) \
{ { { STATIC_HEADER, do_call_simple_command }, do_collect_1}, \
make_collect_state_1, next }
#define STATIC_COLLECT_2(next) \
{ STATIC_HEADER, make_collect_state_2, next }
#define STATIC_COLLECT_3(next) \
{ STATIC_HEADER, make_collect_state_3, next }
extern struct command_simple command_unimplemented;
#define COMMAND_UNIMPLEMENTED (&command_unimplemented.super.super)
struct command command_die_on_null;
/* The CLASS_* macros are used by automatically generated evaluation code */
struct command_continuation *
make_apply(struct command *f, struct command_continuation *c);
struct ol_object *gaba_apply(struct ol_object *f,
struct ol_object *x);
#define CLASS_APPLY gaba_apply
extern struct command_simple command_I;
#define CLASS_VALUE_I (&command_I.super.super)
#define CLASS_APPLY_I_1(x) (x)
extern struct command_simple command_K;
struct command *make_command_K_1(struct ol_object *x);
#define CLASS_VALUE_K (&command_K.super.super)
#define CLASS_APPLY_K_1(x) ((struct ol_object *) make_command_K_1(x))
extern struct collect_info_1 command_S;
/* extern struct collect_info_2 collect_info_S_2; */
struct command *make_command_S_2(struct command *f,
struct command *g);
#define CLASS_VALUE_S (&command_S.super.super.super)
#define CLASS_APPLY_S_1(f) (make_collect_state_1(&command_S, (f)))
#define CLASS_APPLY_S_2(f, g) (collect_S_2(NULL, (f), (g)))
extern struct collect_info_1 command_Sp;
extern struct collect_info_2 collect_info_Sp_2;
/* extern struct collect_info_3 collect_info_Sp_3; */
struct command *make_command_Sp_3(struct command *c,
struct command *f,
struct command *g);
struct ol_object *collect_S_2(struct collect_info_2 *info,
struct ol_object *f,
struct ol_object *g);
struct ol_object *collect_Sp_3(struct collect_info_3 *info,
struct ol_object *c,
struct ol_object *f,
struct ol_object *g);
#define CLASS_VALUE_Sp (&command_Sp.super.super)
#define CLASS_APPLY_Sp_1(c) (make_collect_state_1(&command_Sp, (c)))
#define CLASS_APPLY_Sp_2(c, f) \
(make_collect_state_2(&collect_info_Sp_2, (c), (f)))
#define CLASS_APPLY_Sp_3(c, f, g) (collect_Sp_3(NULL, (c), (f), (g)))
extern struct collect_info_1 command_B;
/* extern struct collect_info_2 collect_info_B_2; */
struct command *make_command_B_2(struct command *f,
struct command *g);
struct ol_object *collect_B_2(struct collect_info_2 *info,
struct ol_object *f,
struct ol_object *g);
#define CLASS_VALUE_B (&command_B.super.super)
#define CLASS_APPLY_B_1(f) (make_collect_state_1(&command_B, (f)))
#define CLASS_APPLY_B_2(f, g) (collect_B_2(NULL, (f), (g)))
extern struct collect_info_1 command_Bp;
extern struct collect_info_2 collect_info_Bp_2;
extern struct collect_info_3 collect_info_Bp_3;
struct command *make_command_Bp_3(struct command *c,
struct command *f,
struct command *g);
struct ol_object *collect_Bp_3(struct collect_info_3 *info,
struct ol_object *c,
struct ol_object *f,
struct ol_object *g);
#define CLASS_VALUE_Bp (&command_Bp.super.super)
#define CLASS_APPLY_Bp_1(c) (make_collect_state_1(&command_Bp, (c)))
#define CLASS_APPLY_Bp_2(c, f) \
(make_collect_state_2(&collect_info_Bp_2, (c), (f)))
#define CLASS_APPLY_Bp_3(c, f, g) (collect_Bp_3(NULL, (c), (f), (g)))
extern struct collect_info_1 command_C;
/* extern struct collect_info_2 collect_info_C_2; */
struct command *
make_command_C_2(struct command *f,
struct ol_object *y);
struct ol_object *
collect_C_2(struct collect_info_2 *info,
struct ol_object *f,
struct ol_object *y);
#define CLASS_VALUE_C (&command_C.super.super.super)
#define CLASS_APPLY_C_1(f) (make_collect_state_1(&command_C, (f)))
#define CLASS_APPLY_C_2(f, y) (collect_C_2(NULL, (f), (y)))
extern struct collect_info_1 command_Cp;
extern struct collect_info_2 collect_info_Cp_2;
/* extern struct collect_info_3 collect_info_Cp_3; */
struct command *
make_command_Cp_3(struct command *c,
struct command *f,
struct ol_object *y);
struct ol_object *
collect_Cp_3(struct collect_info_3 *info,
struct ol_object *c,
struct ol_object *f,
struct ol_object *y);
#define CLASS_VALUE_Cp (&command_Cp.super.super)
#define CLASS_APPLY_Cp_1(c) (make_collect_state_1(&command_Cp, (c)))
#define CLASS_APPLY_Cp_2(c, f) \
(make_collect_state_2(&collect_info_Cp_2, (c), (f)))
#define CLASS_APPLY_Cp_3(c, f, y) (collect_Cp_3(NULL, (c), (f), (y)))
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