/* jpoll.h
 * Header file for my poll() SVID3 emulation function.
 * $Id: jpoll.h,v 1.7 2004/08/05 11:13:45 bazsi Exp $ */

 * AUTHOR:     Sean Reifschneider <jafo@tummy.com>
 * DATE:       1998-10-10
 * Copyright (c) 1998 Sean Reifschneider


#define POLLIN		0x0001		/*  check for input  */
#define POLLHUP         0
#define POLLNVAL        0
#define POLLERR         0
#define POLLPRI		0
#define POLLOUT	        0x0004		/*  check for output  */

struct pollfd {
	int fd;				/*  file descriptor to poll  */
	short events;		/*  events we are interested in  */
	short revents;		/*  events that occured  */

typedef unsigned int nfds_t;

int poll(struct pollfd *fdlist, nfds_t count, int timeoutInMS);

#endif /* LSH_POLL_H_INCLUDED */

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