/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 1999 Balázs Scheidler * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 BalaBit IT Ltd * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * Inspired by nsyslog, originally written by Darren Reed. * * $Id: afunix.c,v 2007/02/02 08:58:30 bazsi Exp $ * ***************************************************************************/ #include "afsocket.h" #include "cfgfile.h" #include "format.h" #include "pkt_buffer.h" #include "queue.h" #include "center.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "afunix.c.x" #include "macros.h" /* af_unix source connection */ static int do_init_afunix_connection(struct log_handler *c, struct syslog_config *cfg, struct persistent_config *persistent) { CAST(afsocket_source_connection, self, c); io_read(self->client, make_log_reader(!!(self->owner->flags & AFSOCKET_DGRAM), NULL, cfg->log_msg_size, 0, cfg->check_hostname ? LF_CHECK_HOSTNAME : 0, cfg->bad_hostname, c), make_afsocket_source_close_callback(self)); return ST_OK | ST_GOON; } static void do_handle_afunix_line(struct log_handler *c, struct log_info *msg) { CAST(afsocket_source_connection, self, c); if (msg->host) { ol_string_free(msg->host); msg->host = NULL; } msg->flags |= LF_LOCAL; HANDLE_LOG(self->super.next, msg); } static int do_close_afunix_connection(struct afsocket_source_connection *c, int close_reason) { assert(c->owner); c->owner->num_connections--; object_queue_remove(c->queue_node); return ST_OK | ST_GOON; } static void do_destroy_afunix_connection(struct log_handler *c, struct syslog_config *cfg, struct persistent_config *persistent) { CAST(afsocket_source_connection, self, c); closekill_fd(&self->client->super, 0); } static struct afsocket_source_connection * make_afunix_source_connection(struct io_fd *client, struct address_info *client_addr, struct afsocket_source *owner, struct log_handler *next) { NEW(afsocket_source_connection, self); self->super.super.init = do_init_afunix_connection; self->super.super.handler = do_handle_afunix_line; self->super.super.destroy = do_destroy_afunix_connection; self->super.next = next; self->owner = owner; self->close = do_close_afunix_connection; self->client = client; self->client_addr = client_addr; return self; } /* CLASS: (class (name afunix_source) (super afsocket_source) (vars (uid . int) (gid . int) (perm simple int) (listen object listen_fd) (cfg object syslog_config))) */ void afunix_set_owner(struct log_source_driver *c, const char *owner) { CAST(afunix_source, self, c); struct passwd *pwd; pwd = getpwnam(owner); if (pwd) self->uid = pwd->pw_uid; else self->uid = atoi(owner); } void afunix_set_group(struct log_source_driver *c, const char *group) { CAST(afunix_source, self, c); struct group *grp; grp = getgrnam(group); if (grp) self->gid = grp->gr_gid; else self->gid = atoi(group); } void afunix_set_perm(struct log_source_driver *c, int perm) { CAST(afunix_source, self, c); self->perm = perm; } static int do_open_unix_connection(struct afsocket_source *c, struct io_fd *client, struct address_info *client_addr) { CAST(afunix_source, self, c); struct afsocket_source_connection *conn; UINT32 res; if (c->num_connections >= c->max_connections) { notice("Error accepting AF_UNIX connection, opened connections: %i, max: %i\n", c->num_connections, c->max_connections); close_fd(&client->super, 0); return ST_OK | ST_GOON; } else { conn = make_afunix_source_connection(client, client_addr, c, self->super.super.super.next); res = LOG_HANDLER_INIT(conn, self->cfg, NULL); if ((res & ST_FAIL) == 0) { conn->queue_node = object_queue_add_tail(self->super.connections, &conn->super.super.super); c->num_connections++; } return res; } } int do_init_afunix_source(struct log_handler *c, struct syslog_config *cfg, struct persistent_config *persistent) { CAST(afunix_source, self, c); CAST(unix_address_info, unix_addr, self->super.bind_addr); int fd; if (persistent && (self->super.flags & AFSOCKET_KEEP_ALIVE) && (self->super.flags & AFSOCKET_STREAM)) { struct ol_string *persistent_name; struct persistent_info *p_info; persistent_name = c_format("afunix_stream_%S", unix_addr->path); p_info = find_persistent_info(persistent, persistent_name->length, (char *) persistent_name->data); ol_string_free(persistent_name); if (p_info) { CAST(object_queue, p, p_info->o); self->super.num_connections = 0; { FOR_OBJECT_QUEUE(p, n) { CAST_SUBTYPE(afsocket_source_connection, h, n); h->owner = &self->super; append_log_handler(&h->super, self->super.super.super.next); self->super.num_connections++; } } self->super.connections = p; p_info->kill = NULL; } } self->cfg = cfg; fd = io_open_socket(unix_addr->super.family, self->super.flags & AFSOCKET_DGRAM ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM, 0, &unix_addr->super); if (fd < 0) { return ST_QUIT | ST_FAIL; } chown((char *) unix_addr->path->data, self->uid, self->gid); chmod((char *) unix_addr->path->data, self->perm); switch (self->super.flags & 0x0003) { case AFSOCKET_STREAM: { if (!(self->listen = io_listen(cfg->backend, fd, make_afsocket_accept_callback (cfg->backend, &self->super)))) { close(fd); return ST_FAIL | ST_QUIT; } break; } case AFSOCKET_DGRAM: { struct afsocket_source_connection *conn; struct io_fd *client = make_io_fd(cfg->backend, fd, NULL); int res; self->super.num_connections = 1; conn = make_afunix_source_connection(client, NULL, &self->super, self->super.super.super.next); res = LOG_HANDLER_INIT(conn, cfg, NULL); if ((res & ST_FAIL) == 0) { conn->queue_node = object_queue_add_tail(self->super.connections, &conn->super.super.super); } break; } default: return ST_FAIL | ST_QUIT; } return ST_OK | ST_GOON; } static void do_destroy_afunix_source(struct log_handler *c, struct syslog_config *cfg, struct persistent_config *persistent) { CAST(afunix_source, self, c); if ((self->super.flags & AFSOCKET_KEEP_ALIVE) && persistent) { CAST(unix_address_info, unix_addr, self->super.bind_addr); struct persistent_info *p; p = make_persistent_info (c_format("afunix_%z_%S", (self->super.flags & AFSOCKET_STREAM) ? "stream" : "dgram", unix_addr->path), &self->super.connections->super, NULL); add_persistent_info(persistent, p); } else { FOR_OBJECT_QUEUE(self->super.connections, n) { CAST_SUBTYPE(log_handler, p, n); LOG_HANDLER_DESTROY(p, cfg, NULL); } } if (self->listen) { closekill_fd(&self->listen->super, 0); self->listen = NULL; } } struct log_source_driver * make_afunix_source(struct address_info *bind_addr, UINT32 flags) { NEW(afunix_source, self); self->super.super.super.super.init = do_init_afunix_source; self->super.super.super.super.destroy = do_destroy_afunix_source; self->super.bind_addr = bind_addr; self->super.flags = flags; self->super.open_connection = do_open_unix_connection; self->super.connections = make_object_queue(); self->super.max_connections = 100; self->perm = 0666; return &self->super.super; } /* CLASS: (class (name afunix_dest) (super afsocket_dest) (vars (dest object io_fd) (dest_buf object abstract_buffer) (template_output string) (template_escape . int) (cfg object syslog_config))) */ void afunix_dest_set_template(struct log_dest_driver *c, char *t) { CAST(afunix_dest, self, c); self->template_output = c_format("%z", t); } void afunix_dest_set_template_escape(struct log_dest_driver *c, int enable) { CAST(afunix_dest, self, c); self->template_escape = enable; } static void do_handle_afunix_dest(struct log_handler *c, struct log_info *msg) { CAST(afunix_dest, self, c); if (self->dest_buf) { struct ol_string *msg_line; if (self->template_output) { msg_line = c_format("%fS", expand_macros( self->cfg, self->template_output, self->template_escape, msg)); } else { msg_line = c_format("<%i>%S %S %S\n", msg->pri, msg->date, msg->host, msg->msg); } A_WRITE_STRING(&self->dest_buf->super, msg_line); } log_info_free(msg); } static int do_init_afunix_dest(struct log_handler *c, struct syslog_config *cfg, struct persistent_config *persistent) { CAST(afunix_dest, self, c); struct connect_fd *conn_fd; int fd; self->cfg = cfg; if (self->super.super.log_fifo_size == -1) self->super.super.log_fifo_size = LIBOL_MIN(cfg->log_fifo_size, 1000); fd = io_open_socket(self->super.dest_addr->family, (self->super.flags & AFSOCKET_DGRAM) ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM, 0, self->super.bind_addr); if (fd < 0) { return ST_FAIL | ST_QUIT; } if (!self->dest_buf) self->dest_buf = make_pkt_buffer_ext(0, self->super.super.log_fifo_size, !!(self->super.flags & AFSOCKET_DGRAM)); conn_fd = io_connect(cfg->backend, fd, self->super.dest_addr, make_afsocket_dest_connected(cfg->backend, &self->super)); if (conn_fd) { REMEMBER_RESOURCE(cfg->resources, &conn_fd->super.super); return ST_OK | ST_GOON; } else { CAST(unix_address_info, unix_addr, self->super.dest_addr); werror("Error connecting to AF_UNIX(%S): %z\n", unix_addr->path, strerror(errno)); close(fd); } return ST_FAIL | ST_QUIT; } static int do_afunix_dest_connected(struct afsocket_dest *c, struct io_fd *server) { CAST(afunix_dest, self, c); struct resource_node *n; CAST(unix_address_info, unix_addr, self->super.dest_addr); if (!self->cfg->living) { werror("Connection established for an old configuration, dropping...\n"); return ST_CLOSE | ST_OK; } if (self->dest) self->dest->buffer = NULL; if (server) { n = REMEMBER_RESOURCE(self->cfg->resources, &server->super.super); self->dest = io_write(server, self->dest_buf, make_driver_reinit_on_close (&self->super.super.super, n, self->cfg->time_reopen, self->cfg, c_format("AF_UNIX(%S)", unix_addr->path))); } else { werror("Error connecting to remote AF_UNIX socket (%S), reattempting in %i seconds\n", unix_addr->path, self->cfg->time_reopen); self->dest = NULL; io_callout(self->cfg->backend, self->cfg->time_reopen, make_driver_reinit (&self->super.super.super, self->cfg)); } return ST_OK | ST_GOON; } struct log_dest_driver *make_afunix_dest(struct address_info *dest_addr, UINT32 flags) { NEW(afunix_dest, self); self->super.super.super.init = do_init_afunix_dest; self->super.super.super.handler = do_handle_afunix_dest; self->super.super.log_fifo_size = -1; self->super.connected = do_afunix_dest_connected; self->super.flags = flags; self->super.dest_addr = dest_addr; return &self->super.super; }