* Copyright (c) 1999 Balázs Scheidler
* Copyright (c) 1999-2001 BalaBit IT Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Inspired by nsyslog, originally written by Darren Reed.
* $Id: cfg-lex.l,v 2006/08/22 07:45:22 bazsi Exp $
#include "syslog-ng.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "cfg-grammar.h"
struct keyword {
char *kw_name;
int kw_token;
static struct keyword keywords[] = {
/* statements */
{ "source", KW_SOURCE },
{ "destination", KW_DESTINATION },
{ "filter", KW_FILTER },
{ "log", KW_LOG },
{ "options", KW_OPTIONS },
/* option items */
{ "flags", KW_FLAGS },
{ "catchall", KW_CATCHALL },
{ "fallback", KW_FALLBACK },
{ "final", KW_FINAL },
{ "mark", KW_MARK_FREQ },
{ "sync", KW_SYNC_FREQ },
{ "stats", KW_STATS_FREQ },
{ "fsync", KW_FSYNC },
{ "long_hostnames", KW_CHAIN_HOSTNAMES },
{ "chain_hostnames", KW_CHAIN_HOSTNAMES },
{ "keep_hostname", KW_KEEP_HOSTNAME },
{ "use_time_recvd", KW_USE_TIME_RECVD },
{ "use_fqdn", KW_USE_FQDN },
{ "use_dns", KW_USE_DNS },
{ "check_hostname", KW_CHECK_HOSTNAME },
{ "bad_hostname", KW_BAD_HOSTNAME },
{ "sanitize_filenames", KW_SANITIZE_FILENAMES },
{ "sanitize-filenames", KW_SANITIZE_FILENAMES },
{ "gc_threshold", KW_GC_BUSY_THRESHOLD },
{ "gc_busy_threshold", KW_GC_BUSY_THRESHOLD },
{ "gc_idle_threshold", KW_GC_IDLE_THRESHOLD },
{ "time_reopen", KW_TIME_REOPEN },
{ "time_reap", KW_TIME_REAP },
{ "time_sleep", KW_TIME_SLEEP },
{ "log_fifo_size", KW_LOG_FIFO_SIZE },
{ "create_dirs", KW_CREATE_DIRS },
{ "localip", KW_LOCALIP },
{ "ip", KW_IP },
{ "localport", KW_LOCALPORT },
{ "port", KW_PORT },
{ "destport", KW_DESTPORT },
{ "owner", KW_OWNER },
{ "group", KW_GROUP },
{ "perm", KW_PERM },
{ "dir_owner", KW_DIR_OWNER },
{ "dir_group", KW_DIR_GROUP },
{ "dir_perm", KW_DIR_PERM },
{ "template", KW_TEMPLATE },
{ "template-escape", KW_TEMPLATE_ESCAPE },
{ "template_escape", KW_TEMPLATE_ESCAPE },
{ "keep-alive", KW_KEEP_ALIVE },
{ "keep_alive", KW_KEEP_ALIVE },
{ "tcp-keep-alive", KW_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE },
{ "tcp_keep_alive", KW_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE },
{ "max-connections", KW_MAX_CONNECTIONS },
{ "max_connections", KW_MAX_CONNECTIONS },
{ "mac", KW_MAC },
{ "authentication", KW_AUTH },
{ "encrypt", KW_ENCRYPT },
{ "required", KW_REQUIRED },
{ "allow", KW_ALLOW },
{ "deny", KW_DENY },
{ "compress", KW_COMPRESS },
{ "remove_if_older", KW_REMOVE_IF_OLDER },
{ "dns_cache", KW_DNS_CACHE },
{ "dns_cache_size", KW_DNS_CACHE_SIZE },
{ "dns_cache_expire", KW_DNS_CACHE_EXPIRE },
{ "dns_cache_expire_failed", KW_DNS_CACHE_EXPIRE_FAILED },
{ "log_prefix", KW_LOG_PREFIX },
{ "log_msg_size", KW_LOG_MSG_SIZE },
{ "pad_size", KW_PAD_SIZE },
{ "spoof_source", KW_SPOOF_SOURCE },
{ "spoof-source", KW_SPOOF_SOURCE },
{ "so_rcvbuf", KW_SO_RCVBUF },
/* source or destination items */
{ "file", KW_FILE },
{ "fifo", KW_PIPE },
{ "pipe", KW_PIPE },
{ "internal", KW_INTERNAL },
{ "unix-dgram", KW_UNIX_DGRAM },
{ "unix_dgram", KW_UNIX_DGRAM },
{ "unix-stream", KW_UNIX_STREAM },
{ "unix_stream", KW_UNIX_STREAM },
{ "udp", KW_UDP },
{ "tcp", KW_TCP },
{ "usertty", KW_USER },
{ "door", KW_DOOR },
{ "sun-stream", KW_SUN_STREAMS },
{ "sun-streams", KW_SUN_STREAMS },
{ "sun_stream", KW_SUN_STREAMS },
{ "sun_streams", KW_SUN_STREAMS },
{ "program", KW_PROGRAM },
{ "remote_control", KW_REMCTRL },
/* filter items */
{ "or", KW_OR },
{ "and", KW_AND },
{ "not", KW_NOT },
{ "level", KW_LEVEL },
{ "priority", KW_LEVEL },
{ "facility", KW_FACILITY },
{ "program", KW_PROGRAM },
{ "netmask", KW_NETMASK },
{ "host", KW_HOST },
{ "match", KW_MATCH },
/* on/off switches */
{ "yes", KW_YES },
{ "on", KW_YES },
{ "no", KW_NO },
{ "off", KW_NO }
#define YY_NO_UNPUT 1
#define MAX_REGEXP_LEN 1024
int linenum = 1;
int lex_filter_params = 0;
char buf[MAX_REGEXP_LEN];
char *str;
static int check_reserved_words(char *token);
static void append_string(int length, char *str);
static void append_char(char c);
white [ \t]
digit [0-9]
alpha [a-zA-Z]
alphanum [a-zA-Z0-9]
word [^ \#'"\(\)\{\}\\;\n\t,|\.]
%x string
%x qstring
\#.*$ ;
\n { linenum++; }
{white}+ ;
\.\. { return DOTDOT; }
0x{digit}+ { yylval.num = strtol(yytext, NULL, 16); return NUMBER; }
0{digit}+ { yylval.num = strtol(yytext, NULL, 8); return NUMBER; }
(-|\+)?{digit}+ { yylval.num = strtol(yytext, NULL, 10); return NUMBER; }
({word}+(\.)?)*{word}+ { return check_reserved_words(yytext); }
\( { return '('; }
\) { return ')'; }
\; { return ';'; }
\{ { return '{'; }
\} { return '}'; }
\| { return '|'; }
\, ;
\" {
str = buf;
/* yy_push_state(string);*/
\' {
str = buf;
<string>\\a { append_char(7); }
<string>\\n { append_char(10); }
<string>\\r { append_char(13); }
<string>\\t { append_char(9); }
<string>\\v { append_char(11); }
<string>\\[^anrtv] { append_string(1, yytext + 1); }
<string>\" {
/* yy_pop_state();*/
yylval.cptr = strdup(buf);
return STRING;
<string>[^"\\]+ { append_string(strlen(yytext), yytext); }
<qstring>[^']+ { append_string(strlen(yytext), yytext); }
<qstring>\' {
yylval.cptr = strdup(buf);
return STRING;
int lex_init(FILE *file)
linenum = 1;
return 0;
static int check_reserved_words(char *token)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(keywords) / sizeof(struct keyword)); i++) {
if (strcmp(keywords[i].kw_name, token) == 0) {
return keywords[i].kw_token;
yylval.cptr = strdup(token);
static void append_string(int length, char *s)
int to_copy = LIBOL_MIN(MAX_REGEXP_LEN - (str - buf) - 1, length);
memcpy(str, s, to_copy);
str += to_copy;
*str = 0;
static void append_char(char c)
*str = c;
*str = 0;
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1