GetMetaDataTypeID select ID From MetaDataTypes where MetaName = ?; GetMetaDataType select DataTypeID From MetaDataTypes where MetaName = ?; GetRelatedServiceIDs select TypeId from ServiceTypes where TypeName = ? or Parent = ?; GetFileByID SELECT DISTINCT Path , Name, Mime, ServiceTypeID FROM Services WHERE ID = ? and Enabled = 1; GetFileByID2 SELECT DISTINCT (Path || '/' || Name) as uri, GetServiceName (ServiceTypeID), Mime FROM Services WHERE ID = ? and Enabled = 1; GetFileByID3 SELECT DISTINCT Path , Name, Mime, ServiceTypeID FROM Services WHERE ID = ?; GetEmailByID2 SELECT DISTINCT (S.Path || '/' || S.Name) as uri, 'Emails', S.Mime, M1.MetaDataDisplay, M2.MetaDataDisplay FROM Services S Left Outer Join ServiceMetaData M1 on S.ID = M1.ServiceID and M1.MetaDataID = (select ID From MetaDataTypes where MetaName ='Email:Subject') Left Outer Join ServiceMetaData M2 on S.ID = M2.ServiceID and M2.MetaDataID = (select ID From MetaDataTypes where MetaName ='Email:Sender') WHERE S.ID = ?; GetEmailByID SELECT DISTINCT (S.Path || '/' || S.Name) as uri, 'Emails', S.Mime, S.KeyMetadata1, S.KeyMetadata2, S.KeyMetadata3 FROM Services S WHERE S.ID = ?; GetApplicationByID SELECT DISTINCT (S.Path || '/' || S.Name) as uri, 'Applications', 'Application', S.KeyMetadata1, S.KeyMetadata2, S.KeyMetadata3 FROM Services S WHERE S.ID = ?; GetFileMTime SELECT M.MetaDataValue FROM Services F inner join ServiceNumericMetaData M on F.ID = M.ServiceID WHERE F.Path = ? and F.Name = ? and M.MetaDataID = (select ID From MetaDataTypes where MetaName ='File:Modified'); GetServices SELECT TypeName, TypeClass, Description FROM ServiceTypes WHERE MainService = ? ORDER BY TypeID; GetAllServices SELECT TypeID, TypeName, Parent, Enabled, Embedded, HasMetadata, HasFullText, HasThumbs, ContentMetadata, Database, ShowServiceFiles, ShowServiceDirectories, KeyMetadata1, KeyMetadata2, KeyMetadata3, KeyMetadata4, KeyMetadata5, KeyMetadata6, KeyMetadata7, KeyMetadata8, KeyMetadata9, KeyMetadata10, KeyMetadata11 FROM ServiceTypes; GetNewID SELECT OptionValue FROM Options WHERE OptionKey = 'Sequence'; UpdateNewID UPDATE Options set OptionValue = ? WHERE OptionKey = 'Sequence'; GetUpdateCount SELECT OptionValue FROM Options WHERE OptionKey = 'UpdateCount'; SetUpdateCount UPDATE Options set OptionValue = ? WHERE OptionKey = 'UpdateCount'; CreateService INSERT INTO Services (ID, Path, Name, ServiceTypeID, Mime, Size, IsDirectory, IsLink, Offset, IndexTime, AuxilaryID) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); GetServiceID SELECT ID, IndexTime, IsDirectory, ServiceTypeID FROM Services WHERE Path = ? AND Name = ?; SelectFileChild SELECT ID, Path, Name, IsDirectory FROM Services WHERE Path = ?; SelectFileChildWithoutDirs SELECT Path, Name FROM Services WHERE Path = ? and IsDirectory = 0; SelectFileSubFolders SELECT ID, Path, Name, IsDirectory FROM Services WHERE (Path = ? or Path glob ?) And IsDirectory = 1; SelectSubFileIDs SELECT ID FROM Services WHERE (Path = ? or Path glob ?); UpdateFile UPDATE Services SET ServiceTypeID=?, Path=?, Name=?, Mime=?, Size=?, IndexTime =?, Offset=? WHERE ID = ?; UpdateFileMTime UPDATE Services SET IndexTime=? where Path = ? and Name = ?; UpdateFileMove UPDATE Services SET Path = ?, Name = ? WHERE ID = ?; UpdateFileMoveChild UPDATE Services SET Path = ? WHERE Path = ?; UpdateFileMovePath UPDATE ServiceMetaData set MetaDataValue = ? WHERE ServiceID in (select ID FROM Services where Path = ?) AND MetaDataID = (select ID FROM MetaDataTypes WHERE MetaName = 'File:Path'); UpdateBackupFileMoveChild UPDATE BackupServices set Path = ? where Path = ?; DeleteService1 Delete FROM Services Where (ID = ?); DeleteService2 Delete FROM Services Where (Path = ?); DeleteService3 Delete FROM Services Where (Path glob ?); DeleteService4 Delete FROM BackupServices Where (Path = ?); DeleteService5 Delete FROM BackupServices Where (Path glob ?); DeleteService6 Delete FROM BackupServices Where (Path = ? and Name = ?); DeleteService7 Delete FROM ServiceLinks Where (SourcePath = ? and SourceName = ?); DeleteService8 Delete FROM ServiceLinks Where (SourcePath = ?) or (SourcePath glob ?); DeleteService9 Delete FROM ServiceLinks Where (DestPath = ? and DestName = ?); DeleteService10 Delete FROM ServiceLinks Where (DestPath = ?) or (DestPath glob ?); DeleteService11 DELETE FROM ServiceContents where ServiceID = ?; DeleteEmbeddedServiceMetadata1 DELETE FROM ServiceMetaData WHERE ServiceID = ? and MetaDataID in (select ID from MetaDataTypes where Embedded = 1); DeleteEmbeddedServiceMetadata2 DELETE FROM ServiceKeywordMetaData WHERE ServiceID = ? and MetaDataID in (select ID from MetaDataTypes where Embedded = 1); DeleteEmbeddedServiceMetadata3 DELETE FROM ServiceNumericMetaData WHERE ServiceID = ? and MetaDataID in (select ID from MetaDataTypes where Embedded = 1); GetByServiceType SELECT DISTINCT F.Path || '/' || F.Name as uri FROM Services F WHERE F.ServiceTypeID in (select TypeId from ServiceTypes where TypeName = ? or Parent = ?) LIMIT ?,?; SaveServiceContents REPLACE into ServiceContents (ServiceID, MetadataID, Content) values (?,?,?); DeleteContent DELETE FROM ServiceContents where ServiceID = ? and MetadataId = ?; DeleteAllContents DELETE FROM ServiceContents where ServiceID = ?; GetContents Select uncompress (Content) from ServiceContents where ServiceID = ? and MetadataID = ? and Content is not null; GetAllContents Select uncompress (Content) from ServiceContents where ServiceID = ? and Content is not null; GetKeywordList Select distinct K.MetaDataValue, count(*) as totalcount from Services S, ServiceKeywordMetaData K where K.ServiceID = S.ID AND (S.ServiceTypeID in (select TypeId from ServiceTypes where TypeName = ? or Parent = ?)) AND K.MetaDataId = 19 group by K.MetaDataValue order by totalcount desc, K.MetaDataValue asc; GetKeywords Select MetaDataValue from ServiceKeywordMetaData where ServiceID = (select ID From Services where Path = ? and Name = ?) and MetaDataId in (select ChildID from MetaDataChildren where MetadataId = (select ID from MetadataTypes T where MetaName = 'DC:Keywords')); GetAllIndexable SELECT S.MetaDataValue as MetaValue, M.Weight, M.Filtered, M.Delimited FROM ServiceMetaData S, MetaDataTypes M WHERE S.MetaDataID = M.ID AND S.ServiceID = ? And S.MetaDataValue is not null and M.DatatypeID = 1 and M.Embedded >= ?; GetAllIndexableKeywords SELECT K.MetaDataValue as MetaValue, M.Weight, M.Filtered, M.Delimited as MetaWeight FROM ServiceKeywordMetaData K, MetaDataTypes M WHERE K.MetaDataID = M.ID AND K.ServiceID = ? And K.MetaDataValue is not null and M.DatatypeID = 0 and M.Embedded >= ?; GetMetadataKeyword SELECT MetaDataValue FROM ServiceKeywordMetaData WHERE ServiceID = ? AND MetaDataID = ?; GetMetadata SELECT MetaDataDisplay FROM ServiceMetaData WHERE ServiceID = ? AND MetaDataID = ?; GetMetadataNumeric SELECT MetaDataValue FROM ServiceNumericMetaData WHERE ServiceID = ? AND MetaDataID = ?; SetMetadataKeyword INSERT INTO ServiceKeywordMetaData (ServiceID, MetaDataID, MetaDataValue) VALUES (?,?,?); SetMetadata INSERT INTO ServiceMetaData (ServiceID, MetaDataID, MetaDataValue, MetaDataDisplay) VALUES (?,?,?,?); SetMetadataNumeric INSERT INTO ServiceNumericMetaData (ServiceID, MetaDataID, MetaDataValue) VALUES (?,?,?); DeleteMetadataKeyword DELETE FROM ServiceKeywordMetaData where ServiceID = ? and MetaDataID=?; DeleteMetadata DELETE FROM ServiceMetaData where ServiceID = ? and MetaDataID=?; DeleteMetadataNumeric DELETE FROM ServiceNumericMetaData where ServiceID = ? and MetaDataID=?; DeleteMetadataKeywordValue DELETE FROM ServiceKeywordMetaData where ServiceID = ? and MetaDataID=? and MetaDataValue = ?; DeleteMetadataValue DELETE FROM ServiceMetaData where ServiceID = ? and MetaDataID=? and MetaDataDisplay=?; DeleteMetadataNumericValue DELETE FROM ServiceNumericMetaData where ServiceID = ? and MetaDataID=? and MetaDataValue=?; GetMetadataTypeInfo Select ID, MetaName, DataTypeID, DisplayName, Description, Enabled, UIVisible, FieldName, Weight, Embedded, MultipleValues, Delimited, Filtered, Abstract FROM MetaDataTypes where MetaName = ?; GetMetadataTypes SELECT ID, MetaName, DataTypeID, FieldName, Weight, Embedded, MultipleValues, Delimited, Filtered, Abstract FROM MetaDataTypes; GetMetadataTypeDetails SELECT ID, MetaName, DataTypeID, DisplayName, Description, Enabled, UIVisible, FieldName, Weight, Embedded, MultipleValues, Delimited, Filtered, Abstract FROM MetaDataTypes; GetMetadataTypesLike SELECT ID, MetaName, DataTypeID, DisplayName, Description, Enabled, UIVisible, FieldName, Weight, Embedded, MultipleValues, Delimited, Filtered, Abstract FROM MetaDataTypes WHERE MetaName glob ?; GetWriteableMetadataTypes SELECT ID, MetaName, DataTypeID, DisplayName, Description, Enabled, UIVisible, FieldName, Weight, Embedded, MultipleValues, Delimited, Filtered, Abstract FROM MetaDataTypes where Embedded = 0; GetWriteableMetadataTypesLike SELECT ID, MetaName, DataTypeID, DisplayName, Description, Enabled, UIVisible, FieldName, Weight, Embedded, MultipleValues, Delimited, Filtered, Abstract FROM MetaDataTypes WHERE MetaName glob ? and Embedded = 0; InsertMetaDataChildren INSERT INTO MetaDataChildren (MetadataID, ChildID) VALUES (?,(select ID from MetaDataTypes where MetaName = ?)); GetMetadataAliases SELECT distinct M.MetaName, M.ID from MetaDataTypes M, MetaDataChildren C where M.ID = C.ChildID and C.MetaDataID = ?; GetMetadataAliasesForName SELECT distinct M.MetaName, M.ID from MetaDataTypes M, MetaDataChildren C where M.ID = C.ChildID and C.MetaDataID = (select ID from MetaDataTypes where MetaName = ?) union select M.MetaName, M.ID from MetaDataTypes M where M.MetaName = ?; SelectMetadataClasses SELECT DISTINCT MetaName FROM MetaDataTypes; InsertMetadataType INSERT INTO MetaDataTypes (MetaName) Values (?); InsertServiceType REPLACE INTO ServiceTypes (TypeName) Values (?); InsertServiceTileMetadata REPLACE Into ServiceTileMetadata (ServiceTypeID, MetaName) VALUES (?, ?); InsertServiceTabularMetadata REPLACE Into ServiceTabularMetadata (ServiceTypeID, MetaName) VALUES (?, ?); GetServiceTypes select TypeID, TypeName, Parent, Enabled, Embedded, HasMetadata, HasFullText, HasThumbs, ContentMetadata, KeyMetadata1, KeyMetadata2, KeyMetadata3, KeyMetadata4, KeyMetadata5, KeyMetadata6, KeyMetadata7, KeyMetadata8, KeyMetadata9, KeyMetadata10, KeyMetadata11 From ServiceTypes; GetServiceTypeDetails select TypeID, TypeName, DisplayName, Parent, Enabled, Embedded, ChildResource, CreateDesktopFile, CanCopy, CanDelete, HasMetadata, HasFullText, HasThumbs, ContentMetadata, UIView, Description, Database, Icon, IndexerExec, ThumbExec, ViewerExec, UIVisible, UIMetadata1, UIMetadata2, UIMetadata3, KeyMetadata1, KeyMetadata2, KeyMetadata3, KeyMetadata4, KeyMetadata5, KeyMetadata6 FROM ServiceTypes; GetServiceTypeDetailsByName select TypeID, TypeName, DisplayName, Parent, Enabled, Embedded, ChildResource, CreateDesktopFile, CanCopy, CanDelete, HasMetadata, HasFullText, HasThumbs, ContentMetadata, UIView, Description, Database, Icon, IndexerExec, ThumbExec, ViewerExec, UIVisible, UIMetadata1, UIMetadata2, UIMetadata3, KeyMetadata1, KeyMetadata2, KeyMetadata3, KeyMetadata4, KeyMetadata5, KeyMetadata6 FROM ServiceTypes where TypeName = ?; GetServiceTypeDetailsByID select TypeId, TypeName, DisplayName, Parent, Enabled, Embedded, ChildResource, CreateDesktopFile, CanCopy, CanDelete, HasMetadata, HasFullText, HasThumbs, ContentMetadata, UIView, Description, Database, Icon, IndexerExec, ThumbExec, ViewerExec, UIVisible, UIMetadata1, UIMetadata2, UIMetadata3, KeyMetadata1, KeyMetadata2, KeyMetadata3, KeyMetadata4, KeyMetadata5, KeyMetadata6 FROM ServiceTypes where TypeID = ?; GetServiceTile select M.MetaName, M.ID from MetaDataTypes M where M.ID in (select MetadataTypeID from ServiceTileMetadata where ServiceTypeID = ?); GetServiceTable select M.MetaName, M.ID from MetaDataTypes M where M.ID in (select MetadataTypeID from ServiceTabularMetadata where ServiceTypeID = ?); InsertMimes replace into FileMimes (Mime) Values (?); InsertMimePrefixes replace into FileMimePrefixes (MimePrefix) Values (?); ExistsPendingFiles select count (*) from FilePending where Action <> 20; InsertPendingFile INSERT INTO FilePending (FileID, Action, PendingDate, FileUri, MimeType, IsDir, IsNew, RefreshEmbedded, RefreshContents, ServiceTypeID) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); CountPendingMetadataFiles select count (*) from FilePending where Action = 20; SelectPendingByUri SELECT FileID, FileUri, Action, MimeType, IsDir, IsNew, RefreshEmbedded, RefreshContents, ServiceTypeID FROM FilePending WHERE FileUri = ?; UpdatePendingFile UPDATE FilePending SET PendingDate = ?, Action = ? WHERE FileUri = ?; DeletePendingFile DELETE FROM FilePending WHERE FileUri = ?; GetWatchUri select URI from FileWatches where WatchID = ?; GetWatchID select WatchID from FileWatches where URI = ?; GetSubWatches select WatchID from FileWatches where URI glob ?; DeleteWatch delete from FileWatches where URI = ?; DeleteSubWatches delete from FileWatches where URI glob ?; InsertWatch insert into FileWatches (URI, WatchID) values (?,?); InsertSearchResult1 insert into SearchResults1 (SID, Score) values (?,?); DeleteSearchResults1 delete from SearchResults1; GetMboxes select MailApp, MailType, Filename, Path, UriPrefix, Offset, LastOffset, MailCount, JunkCount, DeleteCount, Mtime from MailSummary; GetMBoxDetails select MailApp, MailType, Filename, UriPrefix, Offset, LastOffset, MailCount, JunkCount, DeleteCount, Mtime from MailSummary where path = ?; GetMboxID select ID from MailSummary where path = ?; GetMBoxPath select path from MailSummary where FileName = ?; InsertMboxDetails insert into MailSummary (MailApp, MailType, FileName, Path, UriPrefix, Offset, LastOffset, MailCount, JunkCount, DeleteCount, Mtime) values (?,?,?,?,?,0,0,0,0,0,0); UpdateMboxOffset update MailSummary set Offset = ? where Path = ?; UpdateMboxCounts update MailSummary set MailCount = ?, JunkCount = ?, DeleteCount = ? where Path = ?; SetJunkMbox update MailSummary set NeedsChecking = ? where path = ?; LookupJunk select SummaryID from JunkMail where UID = ? and SummaryID = ?; InsertJunk insert into JunkMail values (?,?); selectStats Select Sum(TypeCount) from ServiceTypes where TypeName = ? or TypeName in (select TypeName from ServiceTypes where Parent = ?); IncStat UPDATE ServiceTypes set TypeCount = (TypeCount + 1) where TypeName = ?; DecStat UPDATE ServiceTypes set TypeCount = (TypeCount - 1) where TypeName = ?; GetStats Select TypeName, TypeCount from ServiceTypes Group By TypeName order by TypeID asc; InsertBackupService INSERT INTO BackupServices (Path, Name) select S.Path, S.Name from Services S where S.ID = ?; UpdateBackupService Update BackupServices set Path = ? and Name = ? where Path = ? and Name = ?; GetBackupService Select ID from BackupServices where Path = ? and Name = ?; GetBackupServiceByID Select B.ID from BackupServices B, Services S where B.Path = S.Path and B.Name = S.Name and S.ID = ?; GetBackupMetadata select M.MetaName, B.UserValue from BackupMetadata B, MetadataTypes M, BackupServices BS where B.MetadataID = M.ID and B.ServiceID = BS.ID and BS.Path = ? and BS.Name = ?; SetBackupMetadata INSERT INTO BackupMetadata (ServiceID, MetadataID, UserValue) VALUES (?,?,?); DeleteBackupMetadataValue Delete From BackupMetadata where ServiceID = ? and MetadataID = ? and UserValue = ?; DeleteBackupMetadata Delete From BackupMetadata where ServiceID = ? and MetadataID = ?; GetWords Select word from HitIndex where word glob ?; GetHitDetails Select ROWID, HitCount, HitArraySize From HitIndex where word = ?; InsertHitDetails Insert into HitIndex (Word, HitCount, HitArraySize, HitArray) Values (?,?,?, ZeroBlob(?)); UpdateHitDetails Update HitIndex set HitCount = ?, HitArraySize = ? where ROWID = ?; ResizeHitDetails Update HitIndex set HitCount = ?, HitArraySize = ?, HitArray = Zeroblob(?) where ROWID = ?;