$Id: TODO,v 1996/06/26 18:39:38 alexis Exp alexis $ + add triggers handling to signal_handler() after every listenport() - if a trigger detected should it be removed from the queue? + add registers values expansion to execute() + write apc_tune() function (port from upsd-1.2 sources) + write triggers check in process or something (currently triggers are always active, like there is no ``on ...'' part) - write LICENSE :-) - write README and manual page + well, write this TODO :) + perhaps all triggers should be converted into registers? No. :-) + add action A_LOG to log a message with syslog - major optimization required. optimization is everything in the daemon + optimization: use pause + setitimer instead of select(...)? No. - see grep XXX * in order to known what to revise - write complete configuration samples for different UPSes + hardcode triggers dropping according to ups_trig->drop - rework APC commands and reverse engeneer some more, perhaps - rework expand() function to stop allocating unneeded memory - write more complex execute() with wait etc - add %current-time%, %current-date%, %daemon-pid% etc to expand - when converting numeric values precision rounds some values + upon tune "...." action configuration check for the value legality (port from...) - all the times should be struct timeval and gettimeofday() - A_REDO action should be added to reprocess current event... ? + revise embedded events, particulary conditionless - all time intervals should be in the form: ...h ...m ...s - signals should be handled as usual events