# cron-lib.pl # Common crontab functions # XXX support for envs in /etc/crontab and /etc/cron.d (impossible!) do '../web-lib.pl'; &init_config(); do '../ui-lib.pl'; %access = &get_module_acl(); $env_support = $config{'vixie_cron'}; if ($module_info{'usermin'}) { $single_user = $remote_user; &switch_to_remote_user(); &create_user_config_dirs(); $range_cmd = "$user_module_config_directory/range.pl"; } else { $range_cmd = "$module_config_directory/range.pl"; } $temp_delete_cmd = "$module_config_directory/tempdelete.pl"; $cron_temp_file = &transname(); use Time::Local; # list_cron_jobs() # Returns a lists of structures of all cron jobs sub list_cron_jobs { local (@rv, $lnum, $f); if (defined(@cron_jobs_cache)) { return @cron_jobs_cache; } # read the master crontab file if ($config{'system_crontab'}) { $lnum = 0; &open_readfile(TAB, $config{'system_crontab'}); while() { if (/^(#+)?[\s\&]*(-)?\s*([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+(([0-9\-\*\/]+|jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|,)+)\s+(([0-9\-\*\/]+|sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|,)+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/i) { # A normal h m s d w time push(@rv, { 'file' => $config{'system_crontab'}, 'line' => $lnum, 'type' => 1, 'nolog' => $2, 'active' => !$1, 'mins' => $3, 'hours' => $4, 'days' => $5, 'months' => $6, 'weekdays' => $8, 'user' => $10, 'command' => $11, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); if ($rv[$#rv]->{'user'} =~ /^\//) { # missing the user, as in redhat 7 ! $rv[$#rv]->{'command'} = $rv[$#rv]->{'user'}. ' '.$rv[$#rv]->{'command'}; $rv[$#rv]->{'user'} = 'root'; } &fix_names($rv[$#rv]); } elsif (/^(#+)?\s*@([a-z]+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/i) { # An @ time push(@rv, { 'file' => $config{'system_crontab'}, 'line' => $lnum, 'type' => 1, 'active' => !$1, 'special' => $2, 'user' => $3, 'command' => $4, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); } $lnum++; } close(TAB); } # read package-specific cron files opendir(DIR, &translate_filename($config{'cronfiles_dir'})); while($f = readdir(DIR)) { next if ($f =~ /^\./); $lnum = 0; &open_readfile(TAB, "$config{'cronfiles_dir'}/$f"); while() { if (/^(#+)?[\s\&]*(-)?\s*([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+(([0-9\-\*\/]+|jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|,)+)\s+(([0-9\-\*\/]+|sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|,)+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/i) { push(@rv, { 'file' => "$config{'cronfiles_dir'}/$f", 'line' => $lnum, 'type' => 2, 'active' => !$1, 'nolog' => $2, 'mins' => $3, 'hours' => $4, 'days' => $5, 'months' => $6, 'weekdays' => $8, 'user' => $10, 'command' => $11, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); &fix_names($rv[$#rv]); } elsif (/^(#+)?\s*@([a-z]+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/i) { push(@rv, { 'file' => "$config{'cronfiles_dir'}/$f", 'line' => $lnum, 'type' => 2, 'active' => !$1, 'special' => $2, 'user' => $3, 'command' => $4, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); } $lnum++; } close(TAB); } closedir(DIR); # Read a single user's crontab file if ($config{'single_file'}) { &open_readfile(TAB, $config{'single_file'}); $lnum = 0; while() { if (/^(#+)?[\s\&]*(-)?\s*([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+(([0-9\-\*\/]+|jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|,)+)\s+(([0-9\-\*\/]+|sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|,)+)\s+(.*)/i) { # A normal m h d m wd time push(@rv, { 'file' => $config{'single_file'}, 'line' => $lnum, 'type' => 3, 'active' => !$1, 'nolog' => $2, 'mins' => $3, 'hours' => $4, 'days' => $5, 'months' => $6, 'weekdays' => $8, 'user' => "NONE", 'command' => $10, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); &fix_names($rv[$#rv]); } elsif (/^(#+)?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\s*=\s*'([^']*)'/ || /^(#+)?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\s*=\s*"([^']*)"/ || /^(#+)?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { # An environment variable push(@rv, { 'file' => $config{'single_file'}, 'line' => $lnum, 'active' => !$1, 'name' => $2, 'value' => $3, 'user' => "NONE", 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); } $lnum++; } close(TAB); } # read per-user cron files local $fcron = ($config{'cron_dir'} =~ /\/fcron$/); local @users; if ($single_user) { @users = ( $single_user ); } else { opendir(DIR, &translate_filename($config{'cron_dir'})); @users = grep { !/^\./ } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); } foreach $f (@users) { next if (!(@uinfo = getpwnam($f))); $lnum = 0; if ($single_user) { &open_execute_command(TAB, $config{'cron_user_get_command'}, 1); } elsif ($fcron) { &open_execute_command(TAB, &user_sub($config{'cron_get_command'}, $f), 1); } else { &open_readfile(TAB, "$config{'cron_dir'}/$f"); } while() { if (/^(#+)?[\s\&]*(-)?\s*([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+([0-9\-\*\/,]+)\s+(([0-9\-\*\/]+|jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|,)+)\s+(([0-9\-\*\/]+|sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|,)+)\s+(.*)/i) { # A normal m h d m wd time push(@rv, { 'file' => "$config{'cron_dir'}/$f", 'line' => $lnum, 'type' => 0, 'active' => !$1, 'nolog' => $2, 'mins' => $3, 'hours' => $4, 'days' => $5, 'months' => $6, 'weekdays' => $8, 'user' => $f, 'command' => $10, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); $rv[$#rv]->{'file'} =~ s/\s+\|$//; &fix_names($rv[$#rv]); } elsif (/^(#+)?\s*@([a-z]+)\s+(.*)/i) { # An @ time push(@rv, { 'file' => "$config{'cron_dir'}/$f", 'line' => $lnum, 'type' => 0, 'active' => !$1, 'special' => $2, 'user' => $f, 'command' => $3, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); } elsif (/^(#+)?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\s*=\s*'([^']*)'/ || /^(#+)?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\s*=\s*"([^']*)"/ || /^(#+)?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { # An environment variable push(@rv, { 'file' => "$config{'cron_dir'}/$f", 'line' => $lnum, 'active' => !$1, 'name' => $2, 'value' => $3, 'user' => $f, 'index' => scalar(@rv) }); } $lnum++; } close(TAB); } closedir(DIR); @cron_jobs_cache = @rv; return @cron_jobs_cache; } sub cron_job_line { local @c; push(@c, "#") if (!$_[0]->{'active'}); if ($_[0]->{'name'}) { push(@c, $_[0]->{'name'}); push(@c, "="); push(@c, $_[0]->{'value'} =~ /'/ ? "\"$_[0]->{'value'}\"" : $_[0]->{'value'} =~ /"/ ? "'$_[0]->{'value'}'" : $_[0]->{'value'} !~ /^\S+$/ ? "\"$_[0]->{'value'}\"" : $_[0]->{'value'}); } else { if ($_[0]->{'special'}) { push(@c, ($_[0]->{'nolog'} ? '-' : '').'@'.$_[0]->{'special'}); } else { push(@c, ($_[0]->{'nolog'} ? '-' : '').$_[0]->{'mins'}, $_[0]->{'hours'}, $_[0]->{'days'}, $_[0]->{'months'}, $_[0]->{'weekdays'}); } push(@c, $_[0]->{'user'}) if ($_[0]->{'type'} != 0 && $_[0]->{'type'} != 3); push(@c, $_[0]->{'command'}); } return join(" ", @c); } # copy_cron_temp(&job) # Copies a job's user's current cron configuration to the temp file sub copy_cron_temp { local $fcron = ($config{'cron_dir'} =~ /\/fcron$/); unlink($cron_temp_file); if ($single_user) { &execute_command($config{'cron_user_get_command'}, undef, $cron_temp_file, undef); } elsif ($fcron) { &execute_command(&user_sub($config{'cron_get_command'},$_[0]->{'user'}), undef, $cron_temp_file, undef); } else { system("cp ".&translate_filename("$config{'cron_dir'}/$_[0]->{'user'}"). " $cron_temp_file 2>/dev/null"); } } # create_cron_job(&job) # Add a Cron job to a user's file sub create_cron_job { &list_cron_jobs(); # init cache if ($config{'single_file'} && !$config{'cron_dir'}) { # Add to the single file $_[0]->{'type'} = 3; local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'single_file'}); push(@$lref, &cron_job_line($_[0])); &flush_file_lines($config{'single_file'}); } else { # Add to the specified user's crontab ©_cron_temp($_[0]); local $lref = &read_file_lines($cron_temp_file); $_[0]->{'line'} = scalar(@$lref); push(@$lref, &cron_job_line($_[0])); &flush_file_lines(); system("chown $_[0]->{'user'} $cron_temp_file"); ©_crontab($_[0]->{'user'}); $_[0]->{'file'} = "$config{'cron_dir'}/$_[0]->{'user'}"; $_[0]->{'index'} = scalar(@cron_jobs_cache); push(@cron_jobs_cache, $_[0]); } } # insert_cron_job(&job) # Add a Cron job at the top of the user's file sub insert_cron_job { &list_cron_jobs(); # init cache if ($config{'single_file'} && !$config{'cron_dir'}) { # Insert into single file $_[0]->{'type'} = 3; local $lref = &read_file_lines($config{'single_file'}); splice(@$lref, 0, 0, &cron_job_line($_[0])); &flush_file_lines($config{'single_file'}); } else { # Insert into the user's crontab ©_cron_temp($_[0]); local $lref = &read_file_lines($cron_temp_file); $_[0]->{'line'} = 0; splice(@$lref, 0, 0, &cron_job_line($_[0])); &flush_file_lines(); system("chown $_[0]->{'user'} $cron_temp_file"); ©_crontab($_[0]->{'user'}); $_[0]->{'file'} = "$config{'cron_dir'}/$_[0]->{'user'}"; $_[0]->{'index'} = scalar(@cron_jobs_cache); &renumber($_[0]->{'file'}, $_[0]->{'line'}, 1); push(@cron_jobs_cache, $_[0]); } } # renumber(file, line, offset) # All jobs in this file whose line is at or after the given one will be # incremented by the offset sub renumber { local $j; foreach $j (@cron_jobs_cache) { if ($j->{'line'} >= $_[1] && $j->{'file'} eq $_[0]) { $j->{'line'} += $_[2]; } } } # renumber_index(index, offset) sub renumber_index { local $j; foreach $j (@cron_jobs_cache) { if ($j->{'index'} >= $_[0]) { $j->{'index'} += $_[1]; } } } # change_cron_job(&job) sub change_cron_job { if ($_[0]->{'type'} == 0) { ©_cron_temp($_[0]); &replace_file_line($cron_temp_file, $_[0]->{'line'}, &cron_job_line($_[0])."\n"); ©_crontab($_[0]->{'user'}); } else { &replace_file_line($_[0]->{'file'}, $_[0]->{'line'}, &cron_job_line($_[0])."\n"); } } # delete_cron_job(&job) sub delete_cron_job { if ($_[0]->{'type'} == 0) { ©_cron_temp($_[0]); &replace_file_line($cron_temp_file, $_[0]->{'line'}); ©_crontab($_[0]->{'user'}); } else { &replace_file_line($_[0]->{'file'}, $_[0]->{'line'}); } @cron_jobs_cache = grep { $_ ne $_[0] } @cron_jobs_cache; &renumber($_[0]->{'file'}, $_[0]->{'line'}, -1); &renumber_index($_[0]->{'index'}, -1); } # read_crontab(user) # Return an array containing the lines of the cron table for some user sub read_crontab { local(@tab); &open_readfile(TAB, "$config{cron_dir}/$_[0]"); @tab = ; close(TAB); if (@tab >= 3 && $tab[0] =~ /DO NOT EDIT/ && $tab[1] =~ /^\s*#/ && $tab[2] =~ /^\s*#/) { @tab = @tab[3..$#tab]; } return @tab; } # copy_crontab(user) # Copy the cron temp file to that for this user sub copy_crontab { if (&is_readonly_mode()) { # Do nothing return undef; } local($pwd); if (`cat $cron_temp_file` =~ /\S/) { local $temp = &transname(); local $rv; if ($config{'cron_edit_command'}) { # fake being an editor # XXX does not work in translated command mode! local $notemp = &transname(); &open_tempfile(NO, ">$notemp"); &print_tempfile(NO, "No\n"); &print_tempfile(NO, "N\n"); &print_tempfile(NO, "no\n"); &close_tempfile(NO); $ENV{"VISUAL"} = $ENV{"EDITOR"} = "$module_root_directory/cron_editor.pl"; $ENV{"CRON_EDITOR_COPY"} = $cron_temp_file; system("chown $_[0] $cron_temp_file"); local $oldpwd = &get_current_dir(); chdir("/"); if ($single_user) { $rv = system($config{'cron_user_edit_command'}. " >$temp 2>&1 <$notemp"); } else { $rv = system( &user_sub($config{'cron_edit_command'},$_[0]). " >$temp 2>&1 <$notemp"); } unlink($notemp); chdir($oldpwd); } else { # use the cron copy command if ($single_user) { $rv = &execute_command( $config{'cron_user_copy_command'}, $cron_temp_file, $temp, $temp); } else { $rv = &execute_command( &user_sub($config{'cron_copy_command'}, $_[0]), $cron_temp_file, $temp, $temp); } } local $out = `cat $temp`; unlink($temp); if ($rv || $out =~ /error/i) { local $cronin = `cat $cron_temp_file`; &error(&text('ecopy', "
", "
")); } } else { # No more cron jobs left, so just delete if ($single_user) { &execute_command($config{'cron_user_delete_command'}); } else { &execute_command(&user_sub( $config{'cron_delete_command'}, $_[0])); } } unlink($cron_temp_file); } # parse_job(job) # Parse a crontab line into an array containing: # active, mins, hrs, days, mons, weekdays, command sub parse_job { local($job, $active) = ($_[0], 1); if ($job =~ /^#+\s*(.*)$/) { $active = 0; $job = $1; } $job =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/; return ($active, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); } # user_sub(command, user) # Replace the string 'USER' in the command with the user name sub user_sub { local($tmp); $tmp = $_[0]; $tmp =~ s/USER/$_[1]/g; return $tmp; } # list_allowed() # Returns a list of all users in the cron allow file sub list_allowed { local(@rv, $_); &open_readfile(ALLOW, $config{cron_allow_file}); while() { next if (/^\s*#/); chop; push(@rv, $_) if (/\S/); } close(ALLOW); return @rv; } # list_denied() # Return a list of users from the cron deny file sub list_denied { local(@rv, $_); &open_readfile(DENY, $config{cron_deny_file}); while() { next if (/^\s*#/); chop; push(@rv, $_) if (/\S/); } close(DENY); return @rv; } # save_allowed(user, user, ...) # Save the list of allowed users sub save_allowed { local($_); &open_tempfile(ALLOW, ">$config{cron_allow_file}"); foreach (@_) { &print_tempfile(ALLOW, $_,"\n"); } &close_tempfile(ALLOW); chmod(0444, $config{cron_allow_file}); } # save_denied(user, user, ...) # Save the list of denied users sub save_denied { local($_); &open_tempfile(DENY, "> $config{cron_deny_file}"); foreach (@_) { &print_tempfile(DENY, $_,"\n"); } &close_tempfile(DENY); chmod(0444, $config{cron_deny_file}); } # read_envs(user) # Returns an array of name,value pairs containing the environment settings # from the crontab for some user sub read_envs { local(@tab, @rv, $_); @tab = &read_crontab($_[0]); foreach (@tab) { chop; s/#.*$//g; if (/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/) { push(@rv, "$1 $2"); } } return @rv; } # save_envs(user, [name, value]*) # Updates the cron file for some user with the given list of environment # variables. All others in the file are removed sub save_envs { local($i, @tab, $line); @tab = &read_crontab($_[0]); open(TAB, ">$cron_temp_file"); for($i=1; $i<@_; $i+=2) { print TAB "$_[$i]=$_[$i+1]\n"; } foreach (@tab) { chop($line = $_); $line =~ s/#.*$//g; if ($line !~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/) { print TAB $_; } } close(TAB); ©_crontab($_[0]); } # expand_run_parts(directory) sub expand_run_parts { local $dir = $_[0]; $dir = "$config{'run_parts_dir'}/$dir" if ($config{'run_parts_dir'} && $dir !~ /^\//); opendir(DIR, &translate_filename($dir)); local @rv = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); @rv = grep { !/^\./ } @rv; @rv = map { $dir."/".$_ } @rv; return @rv; } # is_run_parts(command) sub is_run_parts { local $rp = $config{'run_parts'}; return $rp && $_[0] =~ /$rp(.*)\s+(\S+)$/ ? $2 : undef; } # can_edit_user(&access, user) sub can_edit_user { local %umap; map { $umap{$_}++; } split(/\s+/, $_[0]->{'users'}) if ($_[0]->{'mode'} == 1 || $_[0]->{'mode'} == 2); if ($_[0]->{'mode'} == 1 && !$umap{$_[1]} || $_[0]->{'mode'} == 2 && $umap{$_[1]}) { return 0; } elsif ($_[0]->{'mode'} == 3) { return $remote_user eq $_[1]; } elsif ($_[0]->{'mode'} == 4) { local @u = getpwnam($_[1]); return (!$_[0]->{'uidmin'} || $u[2] >= $_[0]->{'uidmin'}) && (!$_[0]->{'uidmax'} || $u[2] <= $_[0]->{'uidmax'}); } elsif ($_[0]->{'mode'} == 5) { local @u = getpwnam($_[1]); return $u[3] == $_[0]->{'users'}; } else { return 1; } } # show_times_input(&job, [nospecial]) sub show_times_input { return &theme_show_times_input(@_) if (defined(&theme_show_times_input)); local $job = $_[0]; if ($config{'vixie_cron'} && (!$_[1] || $_[0]->{'special'})) { # Allow selection of special @ times print " \n"; printf " %s\n", $job->{'special'} ? "checked" : "", $text{'edit_special1'}; print "\n"; printf " %s\n", $job->{'special'} ? "" : "checked", $text{'edit_special0'}; print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "$text{'edit_mins'} $text{'edit_hours'} ", "$text{'edit_days'} $text{'edit_months'}", "$text{'edit_weekdays'} \n"; local @mins = (0..59); local @hours = (0..23); local @days = (1..31); local @months = map { $text{"month_$_"}."=".$_ } (1 .. 12); local @weekdays = map { $text{"day_$_"}."=".$_ } (0 .. 6); foreach $arr ("mins", "hours", "days", "months", "weekdays") { # Find out which ones are being used local %inuse; local $min = ($arr =~ /days|months/ ? 1 : 0); local $max = $min+scalar(@$arr)-1; foreach $w (split(/,/ , $job->{$arr})) { if ($w eq "*") { # all values for($j=$min; $j<=$max; $j++) { $inuse{$j}++; } } elsif ($w =~ /^\*\/(\d+)$/) { # only every Nth for($j=$min; $j<=$max; $j+=$1) { $inuse{$j}++; } } elsif ($w =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)$/) { # only every Nth of some range for($j=$1; $j<=$2; $j+=$3) { $inuse{int($j)}++; } } elsif ($w =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) { # all of some range for($j=$1; $j<=$2; $j++) { $inuse{int($j)}++; } } else { # One value $inuse{int($w)}++; } } if ($job->{$arr} eq "*") { undef(%inuse); } # Output selection list print "\n"; printf " $text{'edit_all'}
\n", $arr eq "mins" && $config{'hourly_only'} ? "disabled" : "", $job->{$arr} eq "*" ? "checked" : ""; printf " $text{'edit_selected'}
\n", $job->{$arr} ne "*" ? "checked" : ""; print "\n"; for($j=0; $j<@$arr; $j+=($arr eq "mins" && $config{'hourly_only'} ? 60 : 12)) { $jj = $j+($arr eq "mins" && $config{'hourly_only'} ? 59 : 11); if ($jj >= @$arr) { $jj = @$arr - 1; } @sec = @$arr[$j .. $jj]; printf "\n"; } print "
\n"; } print " $text{'edit_ctrl'} \n"; } # parse_times_input(&job, &in) sub parse_times_input { local $job = $_[0]; local %in = %{$_[1]}; local @pers = ("mins", "hours", "days", "months", "weekdays"); local $arr; if ($in{'special_def'}) { # Job time is a special period foreach $arr (@pers) { delete($job->{$arr}); } $job->{'special'} = $in{'special'}; } else { # User selection of times foreach $arr (@pers) { if ($in{"all_$arr"}) { # All mins/hrs/etc.. chosen $job->{$arr} = "*"; } elsif (defined($in{$arr})) { # Need to work out and simplify ranges selected local (@range, @newrange, $i); @range = split(/\0/, $in{$arr}); @range = sort { $a <=> $b } @range; local $start = -1; for($i=0; $i<@range; $i++) { if ($i && $range[$i]-1 == $range[$i-1]) { # ok.. looks like a range if ($start < 0) { $start = $i-1; } } elsif ($start < 0) { # Not in a range at all push(@newrange, $range[$i]); } else { # End of the range.. add it $newrange[@newrange - 1] = "$range[$start]-".$range[$i-1]; push(@newrange, $range[$i]); $start = -1; } } if ($start >= 0) { # Reached the end while in a range $newrange[@newrange - 1] = "$range[$start]-".$range[$i-1]; } $job->{$arr} = join(',' , @newrange); } else { &error(&text('save_enone', $text{"edit_$arr"})); } } delete($job->{'special'}); } } # show_range_input(&job) # Given a cron job, prints fields for selecting it's run date range sub show_range_input { local ($job) = @_; print &ui_oneradio("range_def", 1, $text{'range_all'}, !$job->{'start'}), "
\n"; print &ui_oneradio("range_def", 0, "", $job->{'start'}),"\n"; print &text('range_start', &ui_date_input( $job->{'start'}->[0], $job->{'start'}->[1], $job->{'start'}->[2], "range_start_day", "range_start_month", "range_start_year")),"\n", &date_chooser_button( "range_start_day", "range_start_month", "range_start_year"),"\n"; print &text('range_end', &ui_date_input( $job->{'end'}->[0], $job->{'end'}->[1], $job->{'end'}->[2], "range_end_day", "range_end_month", "range_end_year")),"\n", &date_chooser_button( "range_end_day", "range_end_month", "range_end_year"),"\n"; } # parse_range_input(&job, &in) # Updates the job object with the specified date range. May call &error # for invalid inputs sub parse_range_input { local ($job, $in) = @_; if ($in->{'range_def'}) { # No range used delete($job->{'start'}); delete($job->{'end'}); } else { # Validate and store range foreach my $r ("start", "end") { eval { timelocal(0, 0, 0, $in->{'range_'.$r.'_day'}, $in->{'range_'.$r.'_month'}-1, $in->{'range_'.$r.'_year'}-1900) }; if ($@) { &error($text{'range_e'.$r}." ".$@); } $job->{$r} = [ $in->{'range_'.$r.'_day'}, $in->{'range_'.$r.'_month'}, $in->{'range_'.$r.'_year'} ]; } } } @cron_month = ( 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec' ); @cron_weekday = ( 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat' ); # fix_names(&cron) # Convert day and month names to numbers sub fix_names { local ($m, $w); local @mts = split(/,/, $_[0]->{'months'}); foreach $m (@mts) { local $mi = &indexof(lc($m), @cron_month); $m = $mi+1 if ($mi >= 0); } $_[0]->{'months'} = join(",", @mts); local @wds = split(/,/, $_[0]->{'weekdays'}); foreach $w (@wds) { local $di = &indexof(lc($w), @cron_weekday); $w = $di if ($di >= 0); $w = 0 if ($w == 7); } $_[0]->{'weekdays'} = join(",", @wds); } # create_wrapper(wrapper-path, module, script) # Creates a wrapper script which calls a script in some module's directory # with the proper webmin environment variables set. This should always be used # when setting up a cron job, instead of attempting to run a command in the # module directory directly. sub create_wrapper { local $perl_path = &get_perl_path(); &open_tempfile(CMD, ">$_[0]"); &print_tempfile(CMD, <) { \$root = \$1 if (/^root=(.*)/); } close(CONF); \$ENV{'WEBMIN_CONFIG'} = "$ENV{'WEBMIN_CONFIG'}"; \$ENV{'WEBMIN_VAR'} = "$ENV{'WEBMIN_VAR'}"; EOF ); if ($gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'windows') { # On windows, we need to chdir to the drive first, and use system &print_tempfile(CMD, "if (\$root =~ /^([a-z]:)/i) {\n"); &print_tempfile(CMD, " chdir(\"\$1\");\n"); &print_tempfile(CMD, " }\n"); &print_tempfile(CMD, "chdir(\"\$root/$_[1]\");\n"); &print_tempfile(CMD, "exit(system(\"\$root/$_[1]/$_[2]\", \@ARGV));\n"); } else { # Can use exec on Unix systems &print_tempfile(CMD, "chdir(\"\$root/$_[1]\");\n"); &print_tempfile(CMD, "exec(\"\$root/$_[1]/$_[2]\", \@ARGV) || die \"Failed to run \$root/$_[1]/$_[2] : \$!\";\n"); } &close_tempfile(CMD); chmod(0755, $_[0]); } # cron_file(&job) # Returns the file that a cron job is in, or would be in sub cron_file { return $_[0]->{'file'} || "$config{'cron_dir'}/$_[0]->{'user'}"; } # when_text(&job, [upper-case-first]) # Returns a text string describing when a cron job is run sub when_text { local $pfx = $_[1] ? "uc" : ""; if ($_[0]->{'special'}) { $pfx = $_[1] ? "" : "lc"; return $text{$pfx.'edit_special_'.$_[0]->{'special'}}; } elsif ($_[0]->{'mins'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'hours'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'days'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'months'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'weekdays'} eq '*') { return $text{$pfx.'when_min'}; } elsif ($_[0]->{'mins'} =~ /^\d+$/ && $_[0]->{'hours'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'days'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'months'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'weekdays'} eq '*') { return &text($pfx.'when_hour', $_[0]->{'mins'}); } elsif ($_[0]->{'mins'} =~ /^\d+$/ && $_[0]->{'hours'} =~ /^\d+$/ && $_[0]->{'days'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'months'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'weekdays'} eq '*') { return &text($pfx.'when_day', sprintf("%2.2d", $_[0]->{'mins'}), $_[0]->{'hours'}); } elsif ($_[0]->{'mins'} =~ /^\d+$/ && $_[0]->{'hours'} =~ /^\d+$/ && $_[0]->{'days'} =~ /^\d+$/ && $_[0]->{'months'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'weekdays'} eq '*') { return &text($pfx.'when_month', sprintf("%2.2d", $_[0]->{'mins'}), $_[0]->{'hours'}, $_[0]->{'days'}); } elsif ($_[0]->{'mins'} =~ /^\d+$/ && $_[0]->{'hours'} =~ /^\d+$/ && $_[0]->{'days'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'months'} eq '*' && $_[0]->{'weekdays'} =~ /^\d+$/) { return &text($pfx.'when_weekday', sprintf("%2.2d", $_[0]->{'mins'}), $_[0]->{'hours'}, $text{"day_".$_[0]->{'weekdays'}}); } else { return &text($pfx.'when_cron', join(" ", $_[0]->{'mins'}, $_[0]->{'hours'}, $_[0]->{'days'}, $_[0]->{'months'}, $_[0]->{'weekdays'})); } } # can_use_cron(user) # Returns 1 if some user is allowed to use cron, based on cron.allow and # cron.deny files sub can_use_cron { local $err; if (-r $config{cron_allow_file}) { local @allowed = &list_allowed(); if (&indexof($_[0], @allowed) < 0 && &indexof("all", @allowed) < 0) { $err = 1; } } elsif (-r $config{cron_deny_file}) { local @denied = &list_denied(); if (&indexof($_[0], @denied) >= 0 || &indexof("all", @denied) >= 0) { $err = 1; } } elsif ($config{cron_deny_all} == 0) { $err = 1; } elsif ($config{cron_deny_all} == 1) { if ($in{user} ne "root") { $err = 1; } } return !$err; } # swap_cron_jobs(&job1, &job2) # Swaps two Cron jobs, which must be in the same file sub swap_cron_jobs { if ($_[0]->{'type'} == 0) { ©_cron_temp($_[0]); local $lref = &read_file_lines($cron_temp_file); ($lref->[$_[0]->{'line'}], $lref->[$_[1]->{'line'}]) = ($lref->[$_[1]->{'line'}], $lref->[$_[0]->{'line'}]); &flush_file_lines(); ©_crontab($_[0]->{'user'}); } else { local $lref = &read_file_lines($_[0]->{'file'}); ($lref->[$_[0]->{'line'}], $lref->[$_[1]->{'line'}]) = ($lref->[$_[1]->{'line'}], $lref->[$_[0]->{'line'}]); &flush_file_lines(); } } # find_cron_process(&job, [&procs]) sub find_cron_process { local @procs; if ($_[1]) { @procs = @{$_[1]}; } else { &foreign_require("proc", "proc-lib.pl"); @procs = &proc::list_processes(); } local $rpd = &is_run_parts($_[0]->{'command'}); local @exp = $rpd ? &expand_run_parts($rpd) : (); local $cmd = $exp[0] || $_[0]->{'command'}; $cmd =~ s/^\s*\[.*\]\s+\&\&\s+//; $cmd =~ s/^\s*\[.*\]\s+\|\|\s+//; while($cmd =~ s/(\d*)(<|>)((\/\S+)|&\d+)\s*$//) { } $cmd =~ s/^\((.*)\)\s*$/$1/; $cmd =~ s/\s+$//; if ($config{'match_mode'} == 1) { $cmd =~ s/\s.*$//; } ($proc) = grep { $_->{'args'} =~ /\Q$cmd\E/ && (!$config{'match_user'} || $_->{'user'} eq $_[0]->{'user'}) } @procs; if (!$proc && $cmd =~ /^$config_directory\/(.*\.pl)(.*)$/) { # Must be a Webmin wrapper $cmd = "$root_directory/$1$2"; ($proc) = grep { $_->{'args'} =~ /\Q$cmd\E/ && (!$config{'match_user'} || $_->{'user'} eq $_[0]->{'user'}) } @procs; } return $proc; } # extract_input(command) # Given a command line cmd%input , returns the command and input parts sub extract_input { local ($cmd) = @_; $cmd =~ s/\\%/\0/g; local ($cmd, $input) = split(/\%/, $cmd, 2); $cmd =~ s/\0/%/g; $input =~ s/\0/%/g; return ($cmd, $input); } # convert_range(&job) # Given a cron job that uses range.pl , work out the date range and update # the job object command sub convert_range { local ($job) = @_; local ($cmd, $input) = &extract_input($job->{'command'}); if ($cmd =~ /^\Q$range_cmd\E\s+(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)\s+(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)\s+(.*)$/) { # Looks like a range command $job->{'start'} = [ $1, $2, $3 ]; $job->{'end'} = [ $4, $5, $6 ]; $job->{'command'} = $7; $job->{'command'} =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; if ($input) { $job->{'command'} .= '%'.$input; } return 1; } return 0; } # unconvert_range(&job) sub unconvert_range { local ($job) = @_; if ($job->{'start'}) { # Need to add range command local ($cmd, $input) = &extract_input($job->{'command'}); $job->{'command'} = $range_cmd." ".join("-", @{$job->{'start'}})." ". join("-", @{$job->{'end'}})." ". quotemeta($cmd); if ($input) { $job->{'command'} .= '%'.$input; } delete($job->{'start'}); delete($job->{'end'}); &create_wrapper($range_cmd, $module_name, "range.pl"); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0755, $range_cmd); return 1; } return 0; } # convert_comment(&job) # Given a cron job with a # command after the command, sets the comment field sub convert_comment { local ($job) = @_; if ($job->{'command'} =~ /^(.*)\s*#([^#]*)$/) { $job->{'command'} = $1; $job->{'comment'} = $2; return 1; } return 0; } # unconvert_comment(&job) # Adds an comment back to the command in a cron job sub unconvert_comment { local ($job) = @_; if ($job->{'comment'} =~ /\S/) { $job->{'command'} .= " #".$job->{'comment'}; return 1; } return 0; } 1;