#javascript-lib.pl #------------------------------# # JavaScript Library # # # # Written By: # # John Smith # # # # # # MSC.Software # # http://www.msclinux.com # # http://www.mscsoftware.com # #------------------------------# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Available Functions # # *jroll_over # # -This gives you simple mouse over functions on graphics # # and includea a link. # # -Usage = &jroll_over("url", "name", "border", "imgoff", "imgon"); # # *jimg_preload # # -Preloads any number of given images. # # -Usage = &jimg_preload("image/1.gif", "imgage/u.gif"); # # *jimg_update # # -Updates any image on your page that has a name # # -Usage = &jimg_update("imgname", "image/toload.gif"); # # *janim # # -Builds an Animation with any given list of images # # -Usage = &janim("name", "speed", "list.gif", "of.gif", "images.jpg") # # *janim_start # # -Starts the animation you built with janim # # -Usage = &janim_start("name"); # # *janim_stop # # -Stops the animation you built with janim # # -Usage = &janim_stop("name"); # # *jalert # # -Launches an alert dialog box with a custom message # # -Usage = &jalert("Your alert message!"); # # *jwindow # # -Opens a window with a given URL # # -Usage = &jwindow("url", "name", "width", "height"); # # *jwindow_xy # # -Repostitions a named windows x and y # # -Usage = &jwindow_xy("name", "x", "y"); # # *jterminal # # -Creates an empty plain text window for writing data to # # -Usage = &jterminal("name", "width", "height"); # # *jwrite # # -Write data to a created window or terminal # # -Usage = &jwrite("name", "data to write"); # # *jtext # # -Simple text rollovers between two colors # # -Usage = &jtext("text message", "red", "#F1F1F1"); # # *jtalkback # # -Builds a JavaScript for a pop-up talkback/bug report window # # -Usage = &jtalkback(); # # *jerror # # -Launches the jtalkback window upon execution # # -Usage = &jerror("title", "email", "width", "height", \ # # "errmsg", "url", "erroredonline"); # # *jtalkback_link # # -Creates a button or text link to launch the jtalkback window # # -Usage = &jtalkback_link("title", "email", "width", "height", \ # # "text", "type"); # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #creates a mouse over event with a link sub jroll_over { my ($url, $name, $border, $img_off, $img_on) = @_; if (!$url) { $url = "javascript:"; } print "\n"; print "\"$name\""; } #preloads a list of images for smooth loading sub jimg_preload { my (@img_array) = @_; print "\n"; } #update any image on a page by its name sub jimg_update { my ($name, $img) = @_; print "\n"; } #build an animation (preloads images itself) sub janim { my ($name, $speed, @anim_array) = @_; my $frames = @anim_array; my $count = 0; my $arraycount = 0; print "$name\n"; print "\n"; } #start an animation sub janim_start { my ($name) = @_; print "\n"; } #stop an animation sub janim_stop { my ($name, $image) = @_; if (!$image) { } print "\n"; } #create an alert dialog box sub jalert { my (@alert_msg) = @_; print "\n"; } #opens a specified url in a seprate window sub jwindow { my ($url, $name, $width, $height) = @_; if (!$width) { $width = "300"; } if (!$height) { $height = "200"; } print "\n"; } #sets a specified window to x y location sub jwindow_xy { my ($name, $x, $y) = @_; print "\n"; } #opens a blank terminal window for writing data to sub jterminal { my ($name, $width, $height) = @_; if (!$width) { $width = "300"; } if (!$height) { $height = "200"; } print "\n"; } #write data to a given window name sub jwrite { my ($name, @msg) = @_; print "\n"; } #text rollover sub jtext { my ($text, $coloroff, $coloron) = @_; print "$text"; } #Puts the needed JavaScript into your page for talkback reports sub jtalkback { print "\n"; } #Launches the talkback form sub jerror { my ($title, $email, $width, $height, $errmsg, $url, $line) = @_; print "\n"; } #Allows you to manually luanch the talkback form sub jtalkback_link { my ($title, $email, $width, $height, $text, $type) = @_; if ($type eq 0) { print "$text\n"; } elsif ($type eq 1) { print "
\n"; } } return 1;