# newmods.pl # Updates an acl file to include new modules. Called with the parameters # + for($i=1; $i<@ARGV; $i++) { if (!(-d "$ARGV[0]/$ARGV[$i]")) { push(@new, $ARGV[$i]); } } if (@new) { # Read in the existing file open(ACL, "$ARGV[0]/webmin.acl"); @acl = ; close(ACL); # Get the list of users to grant new modules to if (open(NEWMODS, "$ARGV[0]/newmodules")) { while() { s/\r|\n//g; $users{$_}++ if (/\S/); } close(NEWMODS); $newmods++; } if ($newmods) { # Find the users to add to for($i=0; $i<@acl; $i++) { if ($acl[$i] =~ /^(\S+):/ && $users{$1}) { push(@pos, $i); } } } else { # Just use 'root' or 'admin' or the first user in the file $pos[0] = 0; for($i=0; $i<@acl; $i++) { if ($acl[$i] =~ /^(\S+):/ && ($1 eq 'root' || $1 eq 'admin')) { $pos[0] = $i; last; } } } # Update it with new modules foreach $pos (@pos) { $acl[$pos] =~ /^(\S+):\s*(.*)$/ || next; $name = $1; @list = split(/\s+/, $2); foreach $o (@list) { $old{$o}++; } foreach $n (@new) { push(@list, $n) if (!$old{$n}); } $acl[$pos] = "$name: ".join(" ",@list)."\n"; } # Write it out open(ACL, ">$ARGV[0]/webmin.acl"); print ACL @acl; close(ACL); }