#!/usr/local/bin/perl # password_form.cgi # Display the form that allows users to change their passwords at login time $ENV{'MINISERV_INTERNAL'} || die "Can only be called by miniserv.pl"; require './web-lib.pl'; &init_config(); &ReadParse(); &header(undef, undef, undef, undef, 1, 1); print "
\n"; print "


\n"; print "$text{'password_prefix'}\n"; print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "

\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; print "$text{'password_postfix'}\n"; &footer();