#!/usr/local/bin/perl # backup_form.cgi # Display a form for backup the database require './postgresql-lib.pl' ; &ReadParse(); &error_setup ( $text{'backup_err'} ) ; if ($in{'all'}) { @alldbs = &list_databases(); @dbs = grep { &can_edit_db($_) } @alldbs; @alldbs == @dbs || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); } else { &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); } $access{'backup'} || &error($text{'backup_ecannot'}); &has_command($config{'dump_cmd'}) || &error(&text('backup_ecmd', "$config{'dump_cmd'}")); $desc = "$in{'db'}"; &ui_print_header($desc, $in{'all'} ? $text{'backup_title2'} : $text{'backup_title'}, "", "backup_form" ) ; $cron = !$module_info{'usermin'} && !$access{'user'} && &foreign_installed("cron"); if ($in{'all'}) { print "$text{'backup_desc3'}\n"; } else { print &text('backup_desc', "$in{'db'}"),"\n"; } if ($cron) { print "$text{'backup_desc2'}\n"; } print "

\n"; %c = $module_info{'usermin'} ? %userconfig : %config; print &ui_form_start("backup.cgi", "post"); print &ui_hidden("db", $in{'db'}); print &ui_hidden("all", $in{'all'}); print &ui_hidden_table_start($text{'backup_header1'}, undef, 2, "main", 1, [ "width=30%" ]); # Destination file or directory $p = $c{'backup_'.$in{'db'}} || "$config{'repository'}/"; print &ui_table_row($in{'all'} ? $text{'backup_path2'} : $text{'backup_path'}, &ui_textbox("path", $p, 60)." ". &file_chooser_button("path")); # Create destination dir if ($in{'all'}) { print &ui_table_row($text{'backup_mkdir'}, &ui_yesno_radio("mkdir", int($c{'backup_mkdir_'.$in{'db'}}))); } # Show backup format input $f = $c{'backup_format_'.$in{'db'}}; print &ui_table_row($text{'backup_format'}, &ui_select("format", $f, [ [ 'p', $text{'backup_format_p'} ], [ 't', $text{'backup_format_t'} ], [ 'c', $text{'backup_format_c'} ] ])); if (!$in{'all'}) { # Show input to select tables $t = $c{'backup_tables_'.$in{'db'}}; @tables = &list_tables($in{'db'}); print &ui_table_row($text{'backup_tables'}, &ui_radio("tables_def", $t ? 0 : 1, [ [ 1, $text{'backup_alltables'} ], [ 0, $text{'backup_seltables'} ] ])."
". &ui_select("tables", [ split(/\s+/, $t) ], [ sort @tables ], 5, 1)); } print &ui_hidden_table_end("main"); if ($cron) { if ($access{'cmds'}) { print &ui_hidden_table_start($text{'backup_header2'}, undef, 2, "opts", 0, [ "width=30%" ]); $b = $c{'backup_before_'.$in{'db'}}; print &ui_table_row($text{'backup_before'}, &ui_textbox("before", $b, 50)); $a = $c{'backup_after_'.$in{'db'}}; print &ui_table_row($text{'backup_after'}, &ui_textbox("after", $a, 50)); if ($in{'all'}) { # Command mode option $cmode = $c{'backup_cmode_'.$in{'db'}}; print &ui_table_row($text{'backup_cmode'}, &ui_radio("cmode", int($cmode), [ [ 0, $text{'backup_cmode0'} ], [ 1, $text{'backup_cmode1'} ] ])); } print &ui_hidden_table_end("opts"); } print &ui_hidden_table_start($text{'backup_header3'}, undef, 2, "sched", 1, [ "width=30%" ]); &foreign_require("cron", "cron-lib.pl"); @jobs = &cron::list_cron_jobs(); $cmd = $in{'all'} ? "$cron_cmd --all" : "$cron_cmd $in{'db'}"; ($job) = grep { $_->{'command'} eq $cmd } @jobs; print &ui_table_row($text{'backup_sched'}, &ui_radio("sched", $job ? 1 : 0, [ [ 0, $text{'no'} ], [ 1, $text{'backup_sched1'} ] ])); if (!$config{'simple_sched'} || ($dump && !$dump->{'special'})) { # Complex Cron time input $job ||= { 'mins' => 0, 'hours' => 0, 'days' => '*', 'months' => '*', 'weekdays' => '*' }; print &ui_table_row(undef, "". &capture_function_output(\&cron::show_times_input,$job). "
", 2); } else { # Simple Cron time input $job ||= { 'special' => 'daily' }; print &ui_hidden("special_def", 1),"\n"; print &ui_table_row($text{'backup_special'}, &ui_select("special", $job->{'special'}, [ map { [ $_, $cron::text{'edit_special_'.$_} ] } ('hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly')])); } print &ui_hidden_table_end("sched"); } if ($cron) { print &ui_form_end([ [ "backup", $text{'backup_ok'} ], [ "save", $text{'backup_ok2'} ] ]); } else { print &ui_form_end([ [ "backup", $text{'backup_ok'} ] ]); } if ($in{'all'}) { &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); } else { &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); }