# thirdparty.pl
# Checks for modules available in an old install of webmin that are
# not included in this new install, and offers to copy them across.
# Also re-creates clones of existing modules in the new install
($newdir, $olddir, $copythird) = @ARGV;
# find missing modules
opendir(DIR, $olddir);
while($m = readdir(DIR)) {
next if ($m =~ /^\./);
if (-r "$olddir/$m/module.info" && !-r "$newdir/$m/module.info") {
if (-l "$olddir/$m") {
# Found a clone - recreate it
$clone = readlink("$olddir/$m");
symlink($clone, "$newdir/$m");
else {
# Found a candidate for copying
local %minfo;
&read_file("$olddir/$m/module.info", \%minfo);
push(@missing, $m);
push(@missdesc, $minfo{'desc'});
elsif (-r "$olddir/$m/theme.info" && !-r "$newdir/$m/theme.info") {
# Found a theme for copying
local %tinfo;
&read_file("$olddir/$m/theme.info", \%tinfo);
push(@missing, $m);
push(@missdesc, $tinfo{'desc'});
if (@missing) {
# Tell the user, and ask whether to copy
if (!$copythird) {
print "The following third party modules were found in your old Webmin\n";
print "installation in $olddir :\n";
for($i=0; $i<@missing; $i++) {
printf " %-12.12s %s\n", $missing[$i], $missdesc[$i];
print "Copy to new Webmin installation (y/n): ";
chop($resp = <STDIN>);
$copythird = $resp =~ /^y/i;
if ($copythird) {
foreach $m (@missing) {
system("cp -rp $olddir/$m $newdir");
# read_file(file, array)
# Fill an associative array with name=value pairs from a file
sub read_file
$arr = $_[1];
open(ARFILE, $_[0]) || return 0;
while(<ARFILE>) {
if (!/^#/ && /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/) { $$arr{$1} = $2; }
return 1;
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