# ui-lib.pl # Common functions for generating HTML for Webmin user interface elements ####################### table generation functions # ui_table_start(heading, [tabletags], [cols], [&default-tds]) # A table with a heading and table inside sub ui_table_start { return &theme_ui_table_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_start)); local ($heading, $tabletags, $cols, $tds) = @_; local $rv; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n" if (defined($heading)); $rv .= "
\n"; $main::ui_table_cols = $cols || 4; $main::ui_table_pos = 0; $main::ui_table_default_tds = $tds; return $rv; } # ui_table_end() # The end of a table started by ui_table_start sub ui_table_end { return &theme_ui_table_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_end)); $main::ui_table_default_tds = undef; return "
\n"; } # ui_columns_start(&headings, [width-percent], [noborder], [&tdtags], [heading]) # Returns HTML for a multi-column table, with the given headings sub ui_columns_start { return &theme_ui_columns_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_columns_start)); local ($heads, $width, $noborder, $tdtags, $heading) = @_; local $rv; $rv .= "\n"; if ($heading) { $rv .= "$heading\n"; } $rv .= "\n"; local $i; for($i=0; $i<@$heads; $i++) { $rv .= "[$i].">". ($heads->[$i] eq "" ? "
" : $heads->[$i])."
\n"; } $rv .= "\n"; return $rv; } # ui_columns_row(&columns, &tdtags) # Returns HTML for a row in a multi-column table sub ui_columns_row { return &theme_ui_columns_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_columns_row)); local ($cols, $tdtags) = @_; local $rv; $rv .= "\n"; local $i; for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) { $rv .= "[$i].">". ($cols->[$i] !~ /\S/ ? "
" : $cols->[$i])."\n"; } $rv .= "\n"; return $rv; } # ui_columns_header(&columns, &tdtags) # Returns HTML for a row in a multi-column table, with a header background sub ui_columns_header { return &theme_ui_columns_header(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_columns_header)); local ($cols, $tdtags) = @_; local $rv; $rv .= "\n"; local $i; for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) { $rv .= "[$i].">". ($cols->[$i] eq "" ? "
" : $cols->[$i])."
\n"; } $rv .= "\n"; return $rv; } # ui_checked_columns_row(&columns, &tdtags, checkname, checkvalue, [checked?], # [disabled]) # Returns HTML for a row in a multi-column table, in which the first # column is a checkbox sub ui_checked_columns_row { return &theme_ui_checked_columns_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_checked_columns_row)); local ($cols, $tdtags, $checkname, $checkvalue, $checked, $disabled) = @_; local $rv; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "[0].">". &ui_checkbox($checkname, $checkvalue, undef, $checked, undef, $disabled). "\n"; local $i; for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) { $rv .= "[$i+1].">"; if ($cols->[$i] !~ /"; } $rv .= ($cols->[$i] !~ /\S/ ? "
" : $cols->[$i]); if ($cols->[$i] !~ /[0].">". &ui_oneradio($checkname, $checkvalue, "", $checked)."\n"; local $i; for($i=0; $i<@$cols; $i++) { $rv .= "[$i+1].">"; if ($cols->[$i] !~ /"; } $rv .= ($cols->[$i] !~ /\S/ ? "
" : $cols->[$i]); if ($cols->[$i] !~ /\n"; } ####################### form generation functions # ui_form_start(script, method, [target], [tags]) # Returns HTML for a form that submits to some script sub ui_form_start { return &theme_ui_form_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_form_start)); local ($script, $method, $target, $tags) = @_; local $rv; $rv .= "
\n"; return $rv; } # ui_form_end([&buttons], [width]) # Returns HTML for the end of a form, optionally with a row of submit buttons sub ui_form_end { return &theme_ui_form_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_form_end)); local ($buttons, $width) = @_; local $rv; if ($buttons && @$buttons) { $rv .= "\n"; local $b; foreach $b (@$buttons) { if (ref($b)) { $rv .= "[0] ? " align=left" : $b eq $buttons->[@$buttons-1] ? " align=right" : " align=center").">". &ui_submit($b->[1], $b->[0], $b->[3], $b->[4]). ($b->[2] ? " ".$b->[2] : "")."\n"; } elsif ($b) { $rv .= "\n"; } else { $rv .= "\n"; } } $rv .= "
\n"; } $rv .= "
\n"; return $rv; } # ui_textbox(name, value, size, [disabled?], [maxlength], [tags]) # Returns HTML for a text input sub ui_textbox { return &theme_ui_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_textbox)); local ($name, $value, $size, $dis, $max, $tags) = @_; $size = &ui_max_text_width($size); return ""; } # ui_bytesbox(name, bytes, [size], [disabled?]) # Returns HTML for entering a number of bytes, but with friendly kB/MB/GB # options. May truncate values to 2 decimal points! sub ui_bytesbox { local ($name, $bytes, $size, $dis) = @_; local $units = 1; if ($bytes >= 10*1024*1024*1024) { $units = 1024*1024*1024; } elsif ($bytes >= 10*1024*1024) { $units = 1024*1024; } elsif ($bytes >= 10*1024) { $units = 1024; } else { $units = 1; } if ($bytes ne "") { $bytes = sprintf("%.2f", ($bytes*1.0)/$units); $bytes =~ s/\.00$//; } $size = &ui_max_text_width($size || 8); return &ui_textbox($name, $bytes, $size, $dis)." ". &ui_select($name."_units", $units, [ [ 1, "bytes" ], [ 1024, "kB" ], [ 1024*1024, "MB" ], [ 1024*1024*1024, "GB" ] ], undef, undef, undef, $dis); } # ui_upload(name, size, [disabled?], [tags]) # Returns HTML for a file upload input sub ui_upload { return &theme_ui_upload(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_upload)); local ($name, $size, $dis, $tags) = @_; $size = &ui_max_text_width($size); return ""; } # ui_password(name, value, size, [disabled?], [maxlength]) # Returns HTML for a password text input sub ui_password { return &theme_ui_password(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_password)); local ($name, $value, $size, $dis, $max) = @_; $size = &ui_max_text_width($size); return ""; } # ui_hidden(name, value) # Returns HTML for a hidden field sub ui_hidden { return &theme_ui_hidden(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden)); local ($name, $value) = @_; return "\n"; } # ui_select(name, value|&values, &options, [size], [multiple], # [add-if-missing], [disabled?], [javascript]) # Returns HTML for a drop-down menu or multiple selection list sub ui_select { return &theme_ui_select(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_select)); local ($name, $value, $opts, $size, $multiple, $missing, $dis, $js) = @_; local $rv; $rv .= "\n"; return $rv; } # ui_radio(name, value, &options, [disabled?]) # Returns HTML for a series of radio buttons sub ui_radio { return &theme_ui_radio(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_radio)); local ($name, $value, $opts, $dis) = @_; local $rv; local $o; foreach $o (@$opts) { local $id = "e_escape($name."_".$o->[0]); local $label = $o->[1] || $o->[0]; local $after; if ($label =~ /^(.*?)(([0])."\"". ($o->[0] eq $value ? " checked" : ""). ($dis ? " disabled=true" : ""). " id=\"$id\"". " $o->[2]> ".$after."\n"; } return $rv; } # ui_yesno_radio(name, value, [yes], [no], [disabled?]) # Like ui_yesno, but always displays just two inputs (yes and no) sub ui_yesno_radio { local ($name, $value, $yes, $no, $dis) = @_; return &theme_ui_yesno_radio(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_yesno_radio)); $yes = 1 if (!defined($yes)); $no = 0 if (!defined($no)); $value = int($value); return &ui_radio($name, $value, [ [ $yes, $text{'yes'} ], [ $no, $text{'no'} ] ], $dis); } # ui_checkbox(name, value, label, selected?, [tags], [disabled?]) # Returns HTML for a single checkbox sub ui_checkbox { return &theme_ui_checkbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_checkbox)); local ($name, $value, $label, $sel, $tags, $dis) = @_; local $after; if ($label =~ /^([^<]*)(<[\000-\377]*)$/) { $label = $1; $after = $2; } return " ". ($label eq "" ? $after : "$after")."\n"; } # ui_oneradio(name, value, label, selected?, [tags], [disabled?]) # Returns HTML for a single radio button sub ui_oneradio { return &theme_ui_oneradio(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_oneradio)); local ($name, $value, $label, $sel, $tags, $dis) = @_; local $id = "e_escape("${name}_${value}"); local $after; if ($label =~ /^([^<]*)(<[\000-\377]*)$/) { $label = $1; $after = $2; } return " $after\n"; } # ui_textarea(name, value, rows, cols, [wrap], [disabled?], [tags]) # Returns HTML for a multi-line text input sub ui_textarea { return &theme_ui_textarea(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_textarea)); local ($name, $value, $rows, $cols, $wrap, $dis, $tags) = @_; $cols = &ui_max_text_width($cols, 1); return ""; } # ui_user_textbox(name, value, [form], [disabled?]) # Returns HTML for a Unix user input sub ui_user_textbox { return &theme_ui_user_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_user_textbox)); return &ui_textbox($_[0], $_[1], 13, $_[3])." ". &user_chooser_button($_[0], 0, $_[2]); } # ui_group_textbox(name, value, [form], [disabled?]) # Returns HTML for a Unix group input sub ui_group_textbox { return &theme_ui_group_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_group_textbox)); return &ui_textbox($_[0], $_[1], 13, $_[3])." ". &group_chooser_button($_[0], 0, $_[2]); } # ui_opt_textbox(name, value, size, option1, [option2], [disabled?], # [&extra-fields], [max]) # Returns HTML for a text field that is optional sub ui_opt_textbox { return &theme_ui_opt_textbox(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_opt_textbox)); local ($name, $value, $size, $opt1, $opt2, $dis, $extra, $max) = @_; local $dis1 = &js_disable_inputs([ $name, @$extra ], [ ]); local $dis2 = &js_disable_inputs([ ], [ $name, @$extra ]); local $rv; $size = &ui_max_text_width($size); $rv .= &ui_radio($name."_def", $value eq '' ? 1 : 0, [ [ 1, $opt1, "onClick='$dis1'" ], [ 0, $opt2 || " ", "onClick='$dis2'" ] ], $dis)."\n"; $rv .= "\n"; return $rv; } # ui_submit(label, [name], [disabled?], [tags]) # Returns HTML for a form submit button sub ui_submit { return &theme_ui_submit(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_submit)); local ($label, $name, $dis, $tags) = @_; return "\n"; } # ui_reset(label, [disabled?]) # Returns HTML for a form reset button sub ui_reset { return &theme_ui_reset(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_reset)); local ($label, $dis) = @_; return "\n"; } # ui_date_input(day, month, year, day-name, month-name, year-name, [disabled?]) # Returns HTML for a date-selection field sub ui_date_input { local ($day, $month, $year, $dayname, $monthname, $yearname, $dis) = @_; local $rv; $rv .= &ui_textbox($dayname, $day, 3, $dis); $rv .= "/"; $rv .= &ui_select($monthname, $month, [ map { [ $_, $text{"smonth_$_"} ] } (1 .. 12) ], 1, 0, 0, $dis); $rv .= "/"; $rv .= &ui_textbox($yearname, $year, 5, $dis); return $rv; } # ui_table_row(label, value, [cols], [&td-tags]) # Returns HTML for a row in a table started by ui_table_start, with a 1-column # label and 1+ column value. sub ui_table_row { return &theme_ui_table_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_row)); local ($label, $value, $cols, $tds) = @_; $cols ||= 1; $tds ||= $main::ui_table_default_tds; local $rv; if ($main::ui_table_pos+$cols+1 > $main::ui_table_cols && $main::ui_table_pos != 0) { # If the requested number of cols won't fit in the number # remaining, start a new row $rv .= "\n"; $main::ui_table_pos = 0; } $rv .= "\n" if ($main::ui_table_pos%$main::ui_table_cols == 0); $rv .= "[0]>$label\n" if (defined($label)); $rv .= "[1]>$value\n"; $main::ui_table_pos += $cols+(defined($label) ? 1 : 0); if ($main::ui_table_pos%$main::ui_table_cols == 0) { $rv .= "\n"; $main::ui_table_pos = 0; } return $rv; } # ui_table_hr() sub ui_table_hr { return &theme_ui_table_hr(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_hr)); local $rv; if ($ui_table_pos) { $rv .= "\n"; $ui_table_pos = 0; } $rv .= "
\n"; return $rv; } # ui_table_span(text) # Outputs a table row that spans the whole table, and contains the given text sub ui_table_span { local ($text) = @_; return &theme_ui_table_hr(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_table_hr)); local $rv; if ($ui_table_pos) { $rv .= "\n"; $ui_table_pos = 0; } $rv .= " $text \n"; return $rv; } # ui_buttons_start() sub ui_buttons_start { return &theme_ui_buttons_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_buttons_start)); return "\n"; } # ui_buttons_end() sub ui_buttons_end { return &theme_ui_buttons_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_buttons_end)); return "
\n"; } # ui_buttons_row(script, button-label, description, [hiddens], [after-submit], # [before-submit]) sub ui_buttons_row { return &theme_ui_buttons_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_buttons_row)); local ($script, $label, $desc, $hiddens, $after, $before) = @_; return "
\n". $hiddens. " ".($before ? $before." " : ""). &ui_submit($label).($after ? " ".$after : "")."\n". "$desc \n". "
\n"; } # ui_buttons_hr([title]) sub ui_buttons_hr { local ($title) = @_; return &theme_ui_buttons_hr(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_buttons_hr)); if ($title) { return "

\n"; } else { return "
\n"; } } ####################### header and footer functions # ui_post_header([subtext]) # Returns HTML to appear directly after a standard header() call sub ui_post_header { return &theme_ui_post_header(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_post_header)); local ($text) = @_; local $rv; $rv .= "
\n" if (defined($text)); if (!$tconfig{'nohr'} && !$tconfig{'notophr'}) { $rv .= "
\n"; } return $rv; } # ui_pre_footer() # Returns HTML to appear directly before a standard footer() call sub ui_pre_footer { return &theme_ui_pre_footer(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_pre_footer)); local $rv; if (!$tconfig{'nohr'} && !$tconfig{'nobottomhr'}) { $rv .= "\n"; } return $rv; } # ui_print_header(subtext, args...) # Print HTML for a header with the post-header line. The args are the same # as those passed to header() sub ui_print_header { &load_theme_library(); return &theme_ui_print_header(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_print_header)); local ($text, @args) = @_; &header(@args); print &ui_post_header($text); } # ui_print_unbuffered_header(subtext, args...) # Like ui_print_header, but ensures that output for this page is not buffered # or contained in a table. sub ui_print_unbuffered_header { &load_theme_library(); return &theme_ui_print_unbuffered_header(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_print_unbuffered_header)); $| = 1; $theme_no_table = 1; &ui_print_header(@_); } # ui_print_footer(args...) # Print HTML for a footer with the pre-footer line. Args are the same as those # passed to footer() sub ui_print_footer { return &theme_ui_print_footer(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_print_footer)); local @args = @_; print &ui_pre_footer(); &footer(@args); } # ui_config_link(text, &subs) # Returns HTML for a module config link. The first non-null sub will be # replaced with the appropriate URL. sub ui_config_link { return &theme_ui_config_link(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_config_link)); local ($text, $subs) = @_; local @subs = map { $_ || "../config.cgi?$module_name" } ($subs ? @$subs : ( undef )); return "

".&text($text, @subs)."

\n"; } # ui_print_endpage(text) # Prints HTML for an error message followed by a page footer with a link to # /, then exits. Good for main page error messages. sub ui_print_endpage { return &theme_ui_print_endpage(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_print_endpage)); local ($text) = @_; print $text,"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # ui_subheading(text, ...) # Returns HTML for a section heading sub ui_subheading { return &theme_ui_subheading(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_subheading)); return "

".join("", @_)."

\n"; } # ui_links_row(&links) # Returns HTML for a row of links, like select all / invert selection / add.. sub ui_links_row { return &theme_ui_links_row(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_links_row)); local ($links) = @_; return @$links ? join("\n|\n", @$links)."
\n" : ""; } ########################### collapsible section / tab functions # ui_hidden_javascript() # Returns EOF } # ui_hidden_start(title, name, status, thisurl) # Returns HTML for the start of a collapsible hidden section, such as for # advanced options. sub ui_hidden_start { return &theme_ui_hidden_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_start)); local ($title, $name, $status, $url) = @_; local $rv; if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) { $rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript(); } local $divid = "hiddendiv_$name"; local $openerid = "hiddenopener_$name"; local $defimg = $status ? "open.gif" : "closed.gif"; local $defclass = $status ? 'opener_shown' : 'opener_hidden'; $rv .= "*\n"; $rv .= "$title
\n"; $rv .= "
\n"; return $rv; } # ui_hidden_end(name) # Returns HTML for the end of a hidden section sub ui_hidden_end { return &theme_ui_hidden_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_end)); local ($name) = @_; return "
\n"; } # ui_hidden_table_row_start(title, name, status, thisurl) # Similar to ui_hidden_start, but for use within a table started with # ui_table_start sub ui_hidden_table_row_start { return &theme_ui_hidden_table_row_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_table_row_start)); local ($title, $name, $status, $url) = @_; local ($rv, $rrv); if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) { $rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript(); } local $divid = "hiddendiv_$name"; local $openerid = "hiddenopener_$name"; local $defimg = $status ? "open.gif" : "closed.gif"; local $defclass = $status ? 'opener_shown' : 'opener_hidden'; $rrv .= "\n"; $rrv .= "$title
\n"; $rv .= &ui_table_row(undef, $rrv, $main::ui_table_cols); $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "
\n"; $rv .= "\n"; return $rv; } # ui_hidden_table_row_end(name) sub ui_hidden_table_row_end { return &theme_ui_hidden_table_row_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_table_row_end)); local ($name) = @_; return "
\n"; } # ui_hidden_table_start(heading, [tabletags], [cols], name, status, # [&default-tds]) # A table with a heading and table inside, and which is collapsible sub ui_hidden_table_start { return &theme_ui_hidden_table_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_table_start)); local ($heading, $tabletags, $cols, $name, $status, $tds) = @_; local $rv; if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) { $rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript(); } local $divid = "hiddendiv_$name"; local $openerid = "hiddenopener_$name"; local $defimg = $status ? "open.gif" : "closed.gif"; local $defclass = $status ? 'opener_shown' : 'opener_hidden'; local $text = defined($tconfig{'cs_text'}) ? $tconfig{'cs_text'} : defined($gconfig{'cs_text'}) ? $gconfig{'cs_text'} : "000000"; $rv .= "
\n"; $rv .= "\n" if (defined($heading)); $rv .= "
\n"; $main::ui_table_cols = $cols || 4; $main::ui_table_pos = 0; $main::ui_table_default_tds = $tds; return $rv; } # ui_hidden_table_end(name) # Returns HTML for the end of table with hiding, as started by # ui_hidden_table_start sub ui_hidden_table_end { local ($name) = @_; return &theme_ui_hidden_table_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_hidden_table_end)); return "
\n"; } # ui_tabs_start(&tabs, name, selected, show-border) # Render a row of tabs from which one can be selected. Each tab is an array # ref containing a name, title and link. sub ui_tabs_start { return &theme_ui_tabs_start(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_start)); local ($tabs, $name, $sel, $border) = @_; local $rv; if (!$main::ui_hidden_start_donejs++) { $rv .= &ui_hidden_javascript(); } # Build list of tab titles and names local $tabnames = "[".join(",", map { "\"".&html_escape($_->[0])."\"" } @$tabs)."]"; local $tabtitles = "[".join(",", map { "\"".&html_escape($_->[1])."\"" } @$tabs)."]"; $rv .= "\n"; # Output the tabs local $imgdir = "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images"; $rv .= &ui_hidden($name, $sel)."\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; foreach my $t (@$tabs) { if ($t ne $tabs[0]) { # Spacer $rv .= "\n"; } local $tabid = "tab_".$t->[0]; $rv .= "\n"; } $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "
"; if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} !~ /msie/i) { # For some reason, the 1-pixel space above the tabs appears huge on IE! $rv .= ""; } $rv .= "
". ""; $rv .= ""; if ($t->[0] eq $sel) { # Selected tab $rv .= ""; $rv .= ""; $rv .= ""; } else { # Other tab (which has a link) $rv .= ""; $rv .= ""; $rv .= ""; $rv .= "\n"; } $rv .= "
". "\"\"". " $t->[1] ". "\"\"". "\"\"". " ". "$t->[1] ". "
"; $rv .= "
\n"; if ($border) { # All tabs are within a grey box $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "
"; } $main::ui_tabs_selected = $sel; return $rv; } # ui_tabs_end(border) sub ui_tabs_end { return &theme_ui_tabs_end(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_end)); local ($border) = @_; local $rv; local $imgdir = "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images"; if ($border) { $rv .= "
\n"; } return $rv; } # ui_tabs_start_tab(name, tab) # Must be called before outputting the HTML for the named tab sub ui_tabs_start_tab { return &theme_ui_tabs_start_tab(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_start_tab)); local ($name, $tab) = @_; local $defclass = $tab eq $main::ui_tabs_selected ? 'opener_shown' : 'opener_hidden'; local $rv = "
\n"; return $rv; } # ui_tabs_start_tabletab(name, tab) # Behaves like ui_tabs_start_tab, but for use within a ui_table_start block sub ui_tabs_start_tabletab { return &theme_ui_tabs_start_tabletab(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_start_tabletab)); local $div = &ui_tabs_start_tab(@_); return "\n".$div."\n"; } sub ui_tabs_end_tab { return &theme_ui_tabs_end_tab(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_end_tab)); return "\n"; } sub ui_tabs_end_tabletab { return &theme_ui_tabs_end_tabletab(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_tabs_end_tabletab)); return "
\n"; } # ui_max_text_width(width, [text-area?]) # Returns a new width for a text field, based on theme settings sub ui_max_text_width { local ($w, $ta) = @_; local $max = $ta ? $tconfig{'maxareawidth'} : $tconfig{'maxboxwidth'}; return $max && $w > $max ? $max : $w; } ####################### radio hidden functions # ui_radio_selector(&opts, name, selected) # Returns HTML for a set of radio buttons, each of which shows a different # block of HTML when selected. &opts is an array ref to arrays containing # [ value, label, html ] sub ui_radio_selector { return &theme_ui_radio_selector(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_radio_selector)); local ($opts, $name, $sel) = @_; local $rv; if (!$main::ui_radio_selector_donejs++) { $rv .= &ui_radio_selector_javascript(); } local $optnames = "[".join(",", map { "\"".&html_escape($_->[0])."\"" } @$opts)."]"; foreach my $o (@opts) { $rv .= &ui_oneradio($name, $o->[0], $o->[1], $sel eq $o->[0], "onClick='selector_show(\"$name\", \"$o->[0]\", $optnames)'"); } $rv .= "
\n"; foreach my $o (@opts) { local $cls = $o->[0] eq $sel ? "selector_shown" : "selector_hidden"; $rv .= "
[0] class=$cls>".$o->[2]."
\n"; } return $rv; } sub ui_radio_selector_javascript { return < .selector_shown {display:inline} .selector_hidden {display:none} EOF } ####################### grid layout functions # ui_grid_table(&elements, columns, [width-percent], [tds], [tabletags]) # Given a list of HTML elements, formats them into a table with the given # number of columns. However, themes are free to override this to use fewer # columns where space is limited. sub ui_grid_table { return &theme_ui_grid_table(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_grid_table)); local ($elements, $cols, $width, $tds, $tabletags) = @_; return "" if (!@$elements); local $rv = "\n"; for(my $i=0; $i<@$elements; $i++) { $rv .= "" if ($i%$cols == 0); $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "" if ($i%$cols == $cols-1); } if ($i%$cols) { while($i%$cols) { $rv .= "\n"; $i++; } $rv .= "\n"; } $rv .= "
[$i%$cols]." valign=top>".$elements->[$i]."
\n"; return $rv; } # ui_radio_table(name, selected, &rows) # Returns HTML for a table of radio buttons, each of which has a label and # some associated inputs to the right. sub ui_radio_table { return &theme_ui_radio_table(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_radio_table)); local ($name, $sel, $rows) = @_; return "" if (!@$rows); local $rv = "\n"; foreach my $r (@$rows) { $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; } $rv .= "
".&ui_oneradio($name, $r->[0], "$r->[1]", $r->[0] eq $sel)."".$r->[2]."
\n"; return $rv; } # ui_up_down_arrows(uplink, downlink, up-show, down-show) # Returns HTML for moving some objects in a table up or down sub ui_up_down_arrows { return &theme_ui_up_down_arrows(@_) if (defined(&theme_ui_up_down_arrows)); local ($uplink, $downlink, $upshow, $downshow) = @_; local $mover; local $imgdir = "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images"; if ($downshow) { $mover .= "". ""; } else { $mover .= ""; } if ($upshow) { $mover .= "". ""; } else { $mover .= ""; } return $mover; } ####################### javascript functions # js_disable_input(&disable-inputs, &enable-inputs, [tag]) # Returns Javascript to disable some form elements and enable others sub js_disable_inputs { local $rv; local $f; foreach $f (@{$_[0]}) { $rv .= "e = form.elements[\"$f\"]; e.disabled = true; "; $rv .= "for(i=0; i= 0) { # When enabling both a _def field and its associated text field, # disable the text if the _def is set to 1 local $tf = $1; $rv .= "e = form.elements[\"$f\"]; for(i=0; i