/************************************************************************************************* * Java API of Villa, the advanced API of QDBM * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Mikio Hirabayashi * This file is part of QDBM, Quick Database Manager. * QDBM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2.1 of the License or any later version. QDBM is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with QDBM; if * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307 USA. *************************************************************************************************/ package qdbm; /** * The Java API of Villa, the advanced API of QDBM. * This class depends on the native library `jqdbm'. */ public class Villa implements ADBM { //---------------------------------------------------------------- // error codes //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** error code: no error */ public static final int ENOERR = 0; /** error code: with fatal error */ public static final int EFATAL = 1; /** error code: invalid mode */ public static final int EMODE = 2; /** error code: broken database file */ public static final int EBROKEN = 3; /** error code: existing record */ public static final int EKEEP = 4; /** error code: no item found */ public static final int ENOITEM = 5; /** error code: memory allocation error */ public static final int EALLOC = 6; /** error code: memory mapping error */ public static final int EMAP = 7; /** error code: open error */ public static final int EOPEN = 8; /** error code: close error */ public static final int ECLOSE = 9; /** error code: trunc error */ public static final int ETRUNC = 10; /** error code: sync error */ public static final int ESYNC = 11; /** error code: stat error */ public static final int ESTAT = 12; /** error code: seek error */ public static final int ESEEK = 13; /** error code: read error */ public static final int EREAD = 14; /** error code: write error */ public static final int EWRITE = 15; /** error code: lock error */ public static final int ELOCK = 16; /** error code: unlink error */ public static final int EUNLINK = 17; /** error code: mkdir error */ public static final int EMKDIR = 18; /** error code: rmdir error */ public static final int ERMDIR = 19; /** error code: miscellaneous error */ public static final int EMISC = 20; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // open modes //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** open mode: open as a reader */ public static final int OREADER = 1 << 0; /** open mode: open as a writer */ public static final int OWRITER = 1 << 1; /** open mode: writer creating */ public static final int OCREAT = 1 << 2; /** open mode: writer truncating */ public static final int OTRUNC = 1 << 3; /** open mode: open without locking */ public static final int ONOLCK = 1 << 4; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // comparing modes //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** comparing mode: compare by lexical order */ public static final int CMPLEX = 0; /** comparing mode: compare as long integers */ public static final int CMPNUM = 1; /** comparing mode: compare as decimal strings */ public static final int CMPDEC = 2; /** comparing mode: compare as comparable objects */ public static final int CMPOBJ = 3; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // write modes //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** write mode: overwrite the existing value */ public static final int DOVER = 0; /** write mode: keep the existing value */ public static final int DKEEP = 1; /** write mode: concatenate values */ public static final int DDUP = 2; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // jump modes //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** jump mode: jump mode: step forward */ public static final int JFORWARD = 0; /** jump mode: jump mode: step backward */ public static final int JBACKWARD = 1; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // static initializer //---------------------------------------------------------------- static { try { System.loadLibrary("jqdbm"); } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError e){ e.printStackTrace(); } vlinit(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // public static methods //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the version information. * @return the string of the version information. */ public static synchronized String version(){ return vlversion(); } /** * Get an error message. * @param ecode an error code. * @return the message string of the error code. */ public static synchronized String errmsg(int ecode){ return vlerrmsg(ecode); } /** * Remove a database file. * @param name the name of a database file. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public static void remove(String name) throws VillaException { synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vlremove(name) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Convert a database file for another platform with different byte order. * @param name the name of a database file. * @param big whether the result is for big endian or not. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public static void econv(String name, boolean big) throws VillaException { synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vleconv(name, big) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // instance fields //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** Index of the native table for database handles. */ private int index; /** Whether the handle has the transaction or not. */ private boolean tran; /** Monitor for mutual exclusion control. */ private Object tranmonitor; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // public or protected methods //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the database handle. * @param name the name of a database file. * @param omode the connection mode: `Villa.OWRITER' as a writer, `Villa.OREADER' as * a reader. If the mode is `Villa.OWRITER', the following may be added by bitwise or: * `Villa.OCREAT', which means it creates a new database if not exist, `Villa.OTRUNC', * which means it creates a new database regardless if one exists. Both of `Villa.OREADER' * and `Villa.OWRITER' can be added to by bitwise or: `Villa.ONOLCK', which means it opens a * database file without file locking. * @param cmode the comparing function: `Villa.CMPLEX' comparing keys in lexical order, * `Villa.CMPNUM' comparing keys as numbers of big endian, `Villa.CMPDEC' comparing keys as * decimal strings, `Villa.CMPOBJ' comparing keys as serialized objects implementing * `java.util.Comparable'. The comparing function should be kept same in the life of a * database. * @note While connecting as a writer, an exclusive lock is invoked to the database file. * While connecting as a reader, a shared lock is invoked to the database file. The thread * blocks until the lock is achieved. If `Villa.ONOLCK' is used, the application is * responsible for exclusion control. */ public Villa(String name, int omode, int cmode) throws VillaException { synchronized(ADBM.class){ if((index = vlopen(name, omode, cmode)) == -1) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } tran = false; tranmonitor = new Object(); } /** * Get the database handle as a reader. * The same as `Villa(name, Villa.OREADER, Villa.CMPLEX)'. * @see #Villa(java.lang.String, int, int) */ public Villa(String name) throws VillaException { this(name, OREADER, CMPLEX); } /** * Release the resources. * @note If the database handle is not closed yet, it is closed. Every database should be * closed explicitly. Do not cast the duty on the gerbage collection. */ protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { if(index < 0) return; synchronized(ADBM.class){ vlclose(index); index = -1; } } finally { super.finalize(); } } /** * Close the database handle. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. * @note Updating a database is assured to be written when the handle is closed. If a * writer opens a database but does not close it appropriately, the database will be broken. * If the transaction is activated and not committed, it is aborted. */ public void close() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ int rv = vlclose(index); index = -1; if(rv == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Store a record. * @param key a byte array of a key. * @param val a byte array of a value. * @param dmode behavior when the key overlaps, by the following values: `Villa.DOVER', * which means the specified value overwrites the existing one, `Villa.DKEEP', which means the * existing value is kept, `Villa.DDUP', which means duplication of keys is allowed. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or replace is cancelled. * @note A duplicated record is stored at the tail of the records of the same key. The cursor * becomes unavailable due to updating database. */ public void put(byte[] key, byte[] val, int dmode) throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vlput(index, key, key.length, val, val.length, dmode) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Store a record with overwrite. * The same as `put(key, val, Villa.DOVER)'. * @see #put(byte[], byte[], int) */ public void put(byte[] key, byte[] val) throws VillaException { put(key, val, DOVER); } /** * Store a record composed of serializable objects. * The same as `put(qdbm.Util.serialize(key), qdbm.Util.serialize(val), dmode)'. * @see #put(byte[], byte[], int) * @note If serialization is failed, an instance of `VillaException' is thrown. */ public void putobj(Object key, Object val, int dmode) throws VillaException { byte[] kbuf = Util.serialize(key); byte[] vbuf = Util.serialize(val); if(kbuf == null || vbuf == null) throw new VillaException(); put(kbuf, vbuf, dmode); } /** * Delete a record. * @param key a byte array of a key. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or no record corresponds. * @note When the key of duplicated records is specified, the first record of the same key * is deleted. The cursor becomes unavailable due to updating database. */ public void out(byte[] key) throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vlout(index, key, key.length) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Delete a record composed of serializable objects. * The same as `out(qdbm.Util.serialize(key))'. * @see #out(byte[]) * @note If serialization is failed, an instance of `VillaException' is thrown. */ public void outobj(Object key) throws VillaException { byte[] kbuf = Util.serialize(key); if(kbuf == null) throw new VillaException(); out(kbuf); } /** * Retrieve a record. * @param key a byte array of a key. * @return a byte array of the value of the corresponding record. * @throws VillaException if an error occures, no record corresponds. * @note When the key of duplicated records is specified, the value of the first record of * the same key is selected. */ public byte[] get(byte[] key) throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ byte[] val = vlget(index, key, key.length); if(val == null) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); return val; } } /** * Retrieve a record composed of serializable objects. * The same as `qdbm.Util.deserialize(get(qdbm.Util.serialize(key)))'. * @see #get(byte[]) * @note If serialization is failed, an instance of `VillaException' is thrown. */ public Object getobj(Object key) throws VillaException { byte[] kbuf = Util.serialize(key); if(kbuf == null) throw new VillaException(); Object val = Util.deserialize(get(kbuf)); if(val == null) throw new VillaException(); return val; } /** * Get the number of records corresponding a key. * @param key a byte array of a key. * @return the number of corresponding records. If no record corresponds, 0 is returned. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public int vnum(byte[] key) throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ int rv = vlvnum(index, key, key.length); if(rv == -1) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); return rv; } } /** * Get the number of records corresponding a key, composed of serializable objects. * The same as `vnum(qdbm.Util.serialize(key))'. * @see #vnum(byte[]) * @note If serialization is failed, an instance of `VillaException' is thrown. */ public int vnumobj(Object key) throws VillaException { byte[] kbuf = Util.serialize(key); if(kbuf == null) throw new VillaException(); return vnum(kbuf); } /** * Move the cursor to the first record. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or there is no record in the database. */ public void curfirst() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vlcurfirst(index) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Move the cursor to the last record. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or there is no record in the database. */ public void curlast() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vlcurlast(index) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Move the cursor to the next record. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or there is no previous record. */ public void curprev() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vlcurprev(index) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Move the cursor to the next record. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or there is no next record. */ public void curnext() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vlcurnext(index) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Move the cursor to positon around a record. * @param key a byte array of a key. * @param jmode detail adjustment: `Villa.JFORWARD', which means that the cursor is set to * the first record of the same key and that the cursor is set to the next substitute if * completely matching record does not exist, `Villa.JBACKWARD', which means that the cursor * is set to the last record of the same key and that the cursor is set to the previous * substitute if completely matching record does not exist. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or there is no record corresponding the condition. */ public void curjump(byte[] key, int jmode) throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vlcurjump(index, key, key.length, jmode) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Move the cursor to positon around a record for stepping forward. * The same as `curjump(key, Villa.JFORFARD)'. * @see #curjump(byte[], int) */ public void curjump(byte[] key) throws VillaException { curjump(key, JFORWARD); } /** * Move the cursor to positon around a record composed of serializable objects. * The same as `curjump(qdbm.Util.serialize(key), jmode)'. * @see #curjump(byte[], int) * @note If serialization is failed, an instance of `VillaException' is thrown. */ public void curjumpobj(Object key, int jmode) throws VillaException { byte[] kbuf = Util.serialize(key); if(kbuf == null) throw new VillaException(); curjump(kbuf, jmode); } /** * Get the key of the record where the cursor is. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or no record corresponds to the cursor. */ public byte[] curkey() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ byte[] val = vlcurkey(index); if(val == null) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); return val; } } /** * Get the key of the record composed of serializable objects, where the cursor is. * The same as `qdbm.Util.deserialize(curkey())'. * @see #curkey() * @note If serialization is failed, an instance of `VillaException' is thrown. */ public Object curkeyobj() throws VillaException { Object key = Util.deserialize(curkey()); if(key == null) throw new VillaException(); return key; } /** * Get the value of the record where the cursor is. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or no record corresponds to the cursor. */ public byte[] curval() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ byte[] val = vlcurval(index); if(val == null) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); return val; } } /** * Get the value of the record where the cursor is. * The same as `qdbm.Util.deserialize(curval())'. * @see #curval() * @note If serialization is failed, an instance of `VillaException' is thrown. */ public Object curvalobj() throws VillaException { Object val = Util.deserialize(curval()); if(val == null) throw new VillaException(); return val; } /** * Set the tuning parameters for performance. * @param lrecmax the max number of records in a leaf node of B+ tree. If it is not more * than 0, the default value is specified. * @param nidxmax the max number of indexes in a non-leaf node of B+ tree. If it is not more * than 0, the default value is specified. * @param lcnum the max number of caching leaf nodes. If it is not more than 0, the default * value is specified. * @param ncnum the max number of caching non-leaf nodes. If it is not more than 0, the * default value is specified. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. * @note The default setting is equivalent to `settuning(49, 192, 1024, 512)'. Because tuning * paremeters are not saved in a database, you should specify them every opening a database. */ public void settuning(int lrecmax, int nidxmax, int lcnum, int ncnum) throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ vlsettuning(index, lrecmax, nidxmax, lcnum, ncnum); } } /** * Synchronize updating contents with the file and the device. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. * @note This method is useful when another process uses the connected database file. This * method shuold not be used while the transaction is activated. */ public void sync() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vlsync(index) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Optimize the database. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. * @note In an alternating succession of deleting and storing with overwrite or concatenate, * dispensable regions accumulate. This method is useful to do away with them. This method * shuold not be used while the transaction is activated. */ public void optimize() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vloptimize(index) == 0) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } /** * Get the name of the database. * @return the string of the name of the database. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public String name() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ String buf = vlname(index); if(buf == null) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); return buf; } } /** * Get the size of the database file. * @return the size of the database file. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. * @note Because of the I/O buffer, the return value may be less than the real size. */ public int fsiz() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ int rv = vlfsiz(index); if(rv == -1) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); return rv; } } /** * Get the number of the leaf nodes of B+ tree. * @return the number of the leaf nodes. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public int lnum() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ int rv = vllnum(index); if(rv == -1) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); return rv; } } /** * Get the number of the non-leaf nodes of B+ tree. * @return the number of the non-leaf nodes. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public int nnum() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ int rv = vlnnum(index); if(rv == -1) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); return rv; } } /** * Get the number of the records stored in a database. * @return the number of the records stored in the database. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public int rnum() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ int rv = vlrnum(index); if(rv == -1) throw new VillaException(vlecode()); return rv; } } /** * Check whether the database handle is a writer or not. * @return true if the handle is a writer, false if not. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public boolean writable() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ return vlwritable(index) == 0 ? false : true; } } /** * Check whether the database has a fatal error or not. * @return true if the database has a fatal error, false if not. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public boolean fatalerror() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ return vlfatalerror(index) == 0 ? false : true; } } /** * Begin the transaction. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. * @note If a thread is already in the transaction, the other threads block until the prius * is out of the transaction. Only one transaction can be activated with a database handle * at the same time. */ public void tranbegin() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(tranmonitor){ while(tran){ try { tranmonitor.wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw new VillaException(); } } tran = true; } synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vltranbegin(index) == 0){ tran = false; throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } } /** * Commit the transaction. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. * @note Updating a database in the transaction is fixed when it is committed successfully. * Any other thread except for the one which began the transaction should not call this method. */ public void trancommit() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vltrancommit(index) == 0){ synchronized(tranmonitor){ tran = false; tranmonitor.notify(); } throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } synchronized(tranmonitor){ tran = false; tranmonitor.notify(); } } /** * Abort the transaction. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. * @note Updating a database in the transaction is discarded when it is aborted. The state * of the database is rollbacked to before transaction. Any other thread except for the one * which began the transaction should not call this method. */ public void tranabort() throws VillaException { if(index < 0) throw new VillaException(); synchronized(ADBM.class){ if(vltranabort(index) == 0){ synchronized(tranmonitor){ tran = false; tranmonitor.notify(); } throw new VillaException(vlecode()); } } synchronized(tranmonitor){ tran = false; tranmonitor.notify(); } } /** * Store a record. * @param key a byte array of a key. * @param val a byte array of a value. * @param replace whether the existing value is to be overwritten or not. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or replace is cancelled. */ public void store(byte[] key, byte[] val, boolean replace) throws VillaException { put(key, val, replace ? DOVER : DKEEP); } /** * Delete a record. * @param key a byte array of a key. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or no record corresponds. */ public void delete(byte[] key) throws VillaException { out(key); } /** * Fetch a record. * @param key a byte array of a key. * @return a byte array of the value of the corresponding record. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or no record corresponds. */ public byte[] fetch(byte[] key) throws VillaException { return get(key); } /** * Get the first key. * @return a byte array of the key of the first record. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or no record corresponds. */ public byte[] firstkey() throws VillaException { curfirst(); return curkey(); } /** * Get the next key. * @return a byte array of the key of the next record. * @throws VillaException if an error occures or no record corresponds. */ public byte[] nextkey() throws VillaException { curnext(); return curkey(); } /** * Check whether a fatal error occured or not. * @return true if the database has a fatal error, false if not. * @throws VillaException if an error occures. */ public boolean error() throws VillaException { return fatalerror(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // private methods //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Compare keys of two records as serialized objects implementing `java.util.Comparable'. * @param abuf serialized data of one object. * @param bbuf serialized data of the other object. * @return positive if the former is big, negative if the latter is big, 0 if both are * equivalent. */ private static final int objcompare(byte[] abuf, byte[] bbuf){ Object a = Util.deserialize(abuf); Object b = Util.deserialize(bbuf); if(a != null && b == null) return 1; if(a == null && b != null) return -1; if(a == null && b == null) return 0; try { return ((Comparable)a).compareTo(b); } catch(ClassCastException e){ return 0; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // native methods //---------------------------------------------------------------- private static synchronized final native void vlinit(); private static synchronized final native String vlversion(); private static synchronized final native int vlecode(); private static synchronized final native String vlerrmsg(int ecode); private static synchronized final native int vlopen(String name, int omode, int cmode); private static synchronized final native int vlclose(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlput(int index, byte[] key, int ksiz, byte[] val, int vsiz, int dmode); private static synchronized final native int vlout(int index, byte[] key, int ksiz); private static synchronized final native byte[] vlget(int index, byte[] key, int ksiz); private static synchronized final native int vlvnum(int index, byte[] key, int ksiz); private static synchronized final native int vlcurfirst(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlcurlast(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlcurprev(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlcurnext(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlcurjump(int index, byte[] key, int ksiz, int jmode); private static synchronized final native byte[] vlcurkey(int index); private static synchronized final native byte[] vlcurval(int index); private static synchronized final native void vlsettuning(int index, int lrecmax, int nidxmax, int lcnum, int ncnum); private static synchronized final native int vlsync(int index); private static synchronized final native int vloptimize(int index); private static synchronized final native String vlname(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlfsiz(int index); private static synchronized final native int vllnum(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlnnum(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlrnum(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlwritable(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlfatalerror(int index); private static synchronized final native int vltranbegin(int index); private static synchronized final native int vltrancommit(int index); private static synchronized final native int vltranabort(int index); private static synchronized final native int vlremove(String name); private static synchronized final native int vleconv(String name, boolean big); } /* END OF FILE */