This is a small test of GURU MODE ********************************* This is the first header ======================== And this is the first subheader ------------------------------- Some international characters ‘›† ’¯¸ Indention in the second subheader --------------------------------- Indention of text: Explanation one Second indention: Explanation two 1. You can do numbered lists 2. With numbers at the beginning of the line 3. As many as you like Section B ********* Header two : Lists ================== - you can also do unnumbered lists - as many as you like Here is normal text. bla bla bla bla bla bla bal bals‘flkjs glksj sfkljhs kgjh aslkdjfha slkgjh alskjdfhalskugh laskudfh lsakuh dfg asdfkjhs kguhsakfuh salkguhas lkudgh laskdufh lsakugdh lkasuhd f asgkuash kguhsa kdfuh aksudfh kasudfh ksauhdg kuashdf kuash df Let's have a normal ruler below. .... Indented text. Format with PRE! Subheader 2.1 : Tables and links. --------------------------------- Column: Explanation: Table_item_with_some_spaces: Here is what is all means We should be able to span this one over more lines than just one. Another_table_item: More things follow in this table. Oh yeah: The links. Note how this line ends in a colon: but when we indent it, it is not treated as a table header. You can mail to or or look at the iMatix site You can use colons if you indent the line. Below two links alone! Subheader 2.2 : The figures. ---------------------------- Here is a figure with "Figure" and explanation [Figure filename.gif: explanation of that graphic file] And another figure without "Figure" ["filename.gif" : another image file] This has no explanation: [filename2.gif] The last one has no explanation, but "Figure" [Figure filename.gif]