library: libTree #include "TBranchBrowsable.h" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
static void RegisterDefaultGenerators()
TVirtualBranchBrowsable(const TBranch* b, TClass* type, Bool_t typeIsPointer, const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* parent = 0)
static TClass* GetCollectionContainedType(const TBranch* b, const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* parent, TClass*& contained)
static list<MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t>& GetRegisteredGenerators()
static void RegisterGenerator(TVirtualBranchBrowsable::MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t generator)
void SetType(TClass* type)
void SetTypeIsPointer(Bool_t set = kTRUE)
static void UnregisterGenerator(TVirtualBranchBrowsable::MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t generator)
TVirtualBranchBrowsable(const TVirtualBranchBrowsable&)
virtual void Browse(TBrowser* b)
static TClass* Class()
static Int_t FillListOfBrowsables(TList& list, const TBranch* branch, const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* parent = 0)
const TBranch* GetBranch() const
TClass* GetClassType() const
virtual const char* GetIconName() const
TList* GetLeaves() const
const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* GetParent() const
void GetScope(TString& scope) const
virtual TClass* IsA() const
virtual Bool_t IsFolder() const
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Bool_t TypeIsPointer() const
const TBranch* fBranch pointer to the branch element representing the top object
const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* fParent parent method if this method is member of a returned class
TList* fLeaves pointer to laves
TClass* fClass pointer to TClass representing our type (i.e. return type for methods), 0 if basic type
Bool_t fTypeIsPointer return type is pointer to class
static list<MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t> fgGenerators list of MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t called by CreateListOfBrowsables
static Bool_t fgGeneratorsSet have we set the generators yet? empty is not good enough - user might have removed them
TVirtualBranchBrowsable is a base class (not really abstract, but useless
by itself) for helper objects that extend TBranch's browsing support.
Each registered derived class's generator method is called, which fills
all created helper objects into a list which can then be browsed.
For details of what these browser helper objects can do, see e.g.
TMethodBrowsable, which allows methods to show up in the TBrowser.
Only registered helper objects are created. By default, only
TMethodBrowsable, TNonSplitBrowsable, and TCollectionPropertyBrowsable
are registered (see RegisterDefaultGenerators). You can prevent any of
their objects to show up in the browser by unregistering the generator:
will stop creating browsable method helper objects from that call on.
Note that these helper objects are cached (in TBranch::fBrowsables);
already created (and thus cached) browsables will still appear in the
browser even after unregistering the corresponding generator.
You can implement your own browsable objects and thier generator; see
e.g. the simple TCollectionPropertyBrowsable. Note that you will have
to register your generator just like any other, and that you should
implement the following methods for your own class, mainly for
consistency reasons:
static void Register() {
TVirtualBranchBrowsable::RegisterGenerator(GetBrowsables); }
static void Unregister() {
TVirtualBranchBrowsable::UnregisterGenerator(GetBrowsables); }
where GetBrowsables is a static member function of your class, that
creates the browsable helper objects, and has the signature
static Int_t GetBrowsables(TList& list, const TBranch* branch,
const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* parent=0);
It has to return the number of browsable helper objects for parent
(or, if NULL, for branch) which are added to the list.
TVirtualBranchBrowsable(const TBranch* branch, TClass* type,
Bool_t typeIsPointer,
const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* parent /*=0*/):
fBranch(branch), fParent(parent), fLeaves(0), fClass(type), fTypeIsPointer(typeIsPointer)
constructor setting all members according to parameters.
Destructor. Delete our leaves.
void Browse(TBrowser *b)
Calls TTree::Draw on the method if return type is not a class;
otherwise expands returned object's "folder"
Int_t FillListOfBrowsables(TList& li, const TBranch* branch,
const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* parent /* =0 */)
Askes all registered generators to fill their browsables into
the list. The browsables are generated for a given parent,
or (if 0), for a given branch. The branch is passed down to
leaves of TVirtualBranchBrowsable, too, as we need to access
the branch's TTree to be able to traw.
TClass* GetCollectionContainedType(const TBranch* branch,
const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* parent,
TClass* &contained)
Check whether the branch (or the parent) contains a collection.
If it does, set "contained" to the contained type (if we can
retrieve it) and return the TClass for the collection. Set
"contained" to the branch's (or parent's) contained object's
class for non-collections, returning 0.
Only one of "branch" or "parent" can ge given (depending on whether
we are creating browsable objects for a branch or for another
browsable object)
TList* GetLeaves() const
Return list of leaves. If not set up yet we'll create them.
void GetScope(TString & scope) const
Returns the full name for TTree::Draw to draw *this.
Recursively appends, starting at the top TBranch,
all method / object names with proper reference operators (->, .)
depending on fTypeIsPointer.
void RegisterDefaultGenerators()
Adds the default generators. The user can remove any of them as follows:
which will cause the browser not to show any methods.
void RegisterGenerator(MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t generator)
Adds a generator to be called when browsing branches.
Called by the Register method, which should be implemented
for all derived classes (see e.g. TMethodBrowsable::Register())
void UnregisterGenerator(MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t generator)
Removes a generator from the list of generators to be called when
browsing branches. The user can remove any of the generators as follows:
which will cause the browser not to show any methods.
Inline Functions
const char* GetIconName() const
Bool_t IsFolder() const
const TBranch* GetBranch() const
const TVirtualBranchBrowsable* GetParent() const
TClass* GetClassType() const
Bool_t TypeIsPointer() const
list<MethodCreateListOfBrowsables_t>& GetRegisteredGenerators()
void SetType(TClass* type)
void SetTypeIsPointer(Bool_t set = kTRUE)
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA() const
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
TVirtualBranchBrowsable TVirtualBranchBrowsable(const TVirtualBranchBrowsable&)
Author: Axel Naumann 14/10/2004
Last update: root/tree:$Name: $:$Id: TBranchBrowsable.cxx,v 1.5 2005/05/18 21:04:54 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
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